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Gemcutting is a game mechanic involving the creation of skill gems and support gems by using uncut gems. This process is also referred to as engraving.
List of gems by category
The following is a list of gems in the gemcutting interface by category. Categories are listed in the following order, starting from the category corresponding to the player's character class.
Skill gems
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 Str | EarthquakeEarthquakeAttack, AoE, Melee, Slam, Duration Tier: 1 Level: (1-40) Cost: (8-727) Mana Attack Speed: 75% of base Attack Damage: (40-331)% of baseSmashes the ground, dealing damage in an area and leaving behind Jagged Ground that slows enemies. The Jagged Ground erupts in a powerful Aftershock after a duration. Cannot create Jagged Ground on top of an existing patch, or if you already have the maximum number of active patches.Impact 100% increased Magnitude of Jagged Ground you create While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage Impact radius is 1.8 metres Jagged Ground radius is 2.2 metres Maximum (2-4) Jagged Ground patches Jagged Ground duration is 4 seconds Aftershock Attack Damage: (130–405)% 100% increased Magnitude of Jagged Ground you create While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage Aftershock radius is 3.4 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Maximum (0-2) Jagged Ground patchesPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel. |
BoneshatterBoneshatterAttack, AoE, Melee, Strike Tier: 1 Level: (1-40) Cost: (9-778) Mana Attack Speed: 60% of base Attack Damage: (100-828)% of baseAttacks enemies with a melee Strike. The Strike will cause a Heavy Stun on enemies that are Primed for Stun. Upon causing a Heavy Stun it will also create a Shockwave, dealing a large amount of damage in an area.Initial Strike 2 to Melee Strike Range While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage Cannot cause Stun buildup Shockwave Attack Damage: (250-780)% While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage Shockwave radius is 2 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0-20)% more Attack SpeedPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel. |
Rolling SlamRolling SlamAttack, AoE, Melee, Slam Tier: 1 Level: (1-40) Cost: (14-1236) ManaSlam the ground to Stun enemies and knock them away, then continue forward and perform a devastating second Slam. Holding down the skill input allows you to change direction as you move.+1.5 seconds to Total Attack Time While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage First Slam Attack Damage: (80-327)% +1.5 seconds to Total Attack Time While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage 50% more Stun buildup Impact radius is 1.4 metres Second Slam Attack Damage: (160-653)% +1.5 seconds to Total Attack Time While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage 50% more Damage against Heavy Stunned Enemies Impact radius is 1.8 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Causes Daze buildup equal to (0-50)% of Physical damage dealtPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel. |
III | 6 | 16 Str | Armour BreakerArmour BreakerAttack, AoE, Melee, Strike, Physical Tier: 3 Level: (1-40) Cost: (5-486) Mana Attack Speed: 80% of base Attack Damage: (50-414)% of baseAttack with a forceful blow, knocking enemies back and weakening their Armour.Hits Break (4-5123) Armour +2 to Melee Strike Range Knock Enemies Back on Hit 40% more attack speed while Dual Wielding Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Break (0-20)% increased ArmourPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel. |
Shockwave TotemShockwave TotemAttack, Totem, AoE, Melee, Slam, Physical, Duration, Nova Tier: 3 Level: (1-40) Cost: (15-1317) Mana Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%Raises a Totem that Slams the ground around it, repeatedly damaging nearby enemies. Jagged Ground erupts when hit by this Slam, damaging enemies standing on it.Totem Totem duration is 12 seconds Limit 1 Totem Totem base attack time is 3 seconds Totem uses its own weapon, dealing (6-141) to (9-212) base Physical damage Slam Attack Damage: (140-369)% Shockwave radius is 3 metres Jagged Ground Eruption Attack Damage: (30-79)% Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Totem base attack time is (-0.55–0) secondsSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel.File:Shockwave Totem skill icon.png |
Infernal CryInfernal CryWarcry, AoE, Trigger, Fire, Duration Tier: 3 Level: (1-40) Cost: (27-2258) Mana Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec Use Time: 0.80 secPerforms a warcry, Empowering subsequent Attacks. Consumes all Endurance Charges to Empower additional attacks. Enemies in the warcry's area are destabilised and will Combust on death.(0–38)% increased Warcry Speed Empowers the next Melee Attack you perform, plus an additional Attack per Endurance Charge consumed Empowered Attacks Gain 25% of Damage as Fire Damage per 5 Power of enemies in range, up to 100% Warcry radius is 4 metres Destabilises Enemies for 8 seconds Combust Critical Hit Chance: 7.00% The enemy's Corpse violently explodes, dealing Fire damage in an area around it. Deals (4–119) to (7–179) Fire Damage Deals 10% More Fire Damage per 1 Power of exploding Corpse Explosion radius is 1.6 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Empowered Attacks Gain (0–10)% of Damage as Fire Damage per 5 Power of enemies in range, up to (0–50)%Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.File:Infernal Cry skill icon.png |
Shield ChargeShield ChargeAttack, AoE, Melee, Physical, Channelling, Travel Tier: 3 Level: (1-40) Cost: (7-622) Mana Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec Attack Time: 0.50 sec Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attack Damage: (70-579)% of baseChannel to charge in the target direction. You will crash into enemies on your path, stopping your charge and dealing damage to enemies in an area, and extra damage to the enemies you collided with. While charging, your Shield is raised and you will Block all incoming Blockable hits.Area of Effect (4-88) to (6-132) Base Off Hand Physical Damage 6 to 8 Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour on Shield Impact radius is 2.4 metres Collision Attack Damage: (210-655)% Knocks Back Enemies 50% more Stun buildup Impact radius is 2.4 metres 6 to 8 Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour on Shield Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0-10)% increased Cooldown Recovery RatePlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.File:Shield Charge skill icon.png |
V | 14 | 34 Str | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Perfect Strike" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Molten Blast" | Resonating ShieldResonating ShieldAoE, Melee, Sustained, Physical, Channelling Tier: 5 Level: (1-40) Cost: (7-600) Mana Attack Time: 0.80 sec Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attack Damage: (25-127)% of baseRepeatedly strike your Shield with your weapon causing damaging shockwaves in an area around you. Enemies hit by the shockwave lose Armour for a duration. While using Resonating Shield, your Shield is raised and you will Block all incoming Blockable hits.Hits Break (2-1537) Armour (4-88) to (6-132) Base Off Hand Physical Damage 6 to 8 Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour on Shield Cannot be Empowered by Warcries Shockwave radius is 2.3 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Break (0-20)% increased ArmourPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.File:Resonating Shield skill icon.png |
Coming Soon |
VII | 22 | 52 Str | Leap SlamLeap SlamAttack, AoE, Melee, Slam, Travel, Payoff Tier: 7 Level: (1-40) Cost: (14-1243) Mana Attack Damage: (110-910)% of baseJump into the air, damaging and Knocking Back enemies with your mace where you land. Enemies you would land on are pushed out of the way.+0.65 seconds to Total Attack Time, plus up to +0.5 seconds based on distance travelled While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage (20–39)% more Stun buildup Cannot Break Armour Impact radius is 2.5 metres Consumes Fully Broken Armour on enemies to cause 500% more Stun buildup Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–20)% more Damage with Hits against Enemies with Fully Broken ArmourPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Earthshatter" | Shield WallShield WallAoE, Physical, Duration Tier: 7 Level: (1-40) Cost: (14-1174) Mana Attack Time: 1.25 sec Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attack Damage: (60-1086)% of baseRam your Shield into the ground, throwing up a semi-circular wall of earth. Enemies can attack the walls and your Slams will instantly destroy them. Each wall segment explodes when destroyed, damaging enemies around it.Can have 2 Shield Walls active at a time (4-88) to (6-132) Base Off Hand Physical Damage 6 to 8 Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour on Shield Explosion radius is 4 metres Wall duration is 6 seconds Wall segments have (36-12714) maximum life Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Can have (0-2) Shield Walls active at a timePlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.File:Shield Wall skill icon.png |
Coming Soon |
IX | 31 | 72 Str | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Sunder" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Volcanic Fissure" | Coming Soon | |
XI | 41 | 95 Str | Seismic CrySeismic CryWarcry, AoE, Physical, Duration Tier: 11 Level: (1-20) Cost: (25-109) Mana Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec Use Time: 0.80 secPerforms a damaging warcry, Knocking Back nearby enemies. If a Heavy Stunned enemy is hit, your next Slam is Empowered to perform an additional Aftershock. If not, this skill's cooldown is reset. Only counts Heavily Stunned enemies for purposes of counting Power Gained.Deals (6–157) to (9–236) Physical Damage (0–38)% increased Warcry Speed 200% increased Knockback Distance 400% more Stun buildup Knock Enemies Back on Hit Hits ignore Enemy Monster Physical Damage Reduction Empowers the next Melee Slam Attack you perform, plus an additional Attack per Endurance Charge consumed Warcry radius is 4 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–40)% increased Warcry SpeedPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Supercharged Slam" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Stampede" | |
XIII | 52 | 119 Str | Ancestral Warrior TotemAncestral Warrior TotemAttack, Totem, AoE, Melee, Physical, Duration, Meta Tier: 13 Level: (1-13) Cost: (0-54) ManaRaises a Totem that uses socketed Mace Skills. Cannot use Channelling Skills or Skills with Cooldowns.Totem duration is 8 seconds Limit 1 Totem Totem base attack time is 1 second Totem uses its own weapon, dealing (6-141) to (9-212) base Physical damagePlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Hammer of the Gods" | Coming Soon |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 | ||||
III | 6 | |||||
V | 14 | |||||
VII | 22 | |||||
IX | 31 | |||||
XI | 41 | |||||
XIII | 52 |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 Str 1 Dex |
Fragmentation RoundsFragmentation RoundsAttack, Ammunition, Projectile, Payoff Tier: 1 Level: (1-40) Cost: (8-688) Mana Attack Damage: (22-182)% of baseLoads your Crossbow with Piercing bolts that fragment in flight. Bolts that hit a Frozen enemy consume the Freeze and cause an explosion of shrapnel. Bolts that hit an Ice Crystal cause it to explode.Fragmentation Rounds Projectile Knocks Back Enemies Multiple fragments can Hit the same target Multiple Fragments hitting a target simultaniously will combine their damage into a single Hit Bolts Pierce 2 Targets Fires 10 fragments per shot Vs Frozen Attack Damage: (425-1326)% Base Explosion radius is (1.4-1.6) metres Ammunition 1 Bolts loaded per clip Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Deals (1-20)% more Physical DamageSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel.File:Fragmentation Rounds skill icon.png |
Armour Piercing RoundsArmour Piercing RoundsAttack, Ammunition, Projectile, Physical Tier: 1 Level: (1-40) Cost: (8-706) Mana Attack Speed: 425% of base Attack Damage: (20-166)% of baseLoads your Crossbow with a clip of bolts that can be fired rapidly and Break enemy Armour. Using this skill again reloads the clip.Armour Piercing Rounds Hits Break (1-845) Armour Knocks Back Enemies Ammunition (12-21) Bolts loaded per clip Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Break (1.5-30)% increased ArmourSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
Permafrost BoltsPermafrost BoltsAttack, AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Cold Tier: 1 Level: (1-40) Cost: (6-573) Mana Attack Damage: (15-124)% of baseLoads your Crossbow with icy bolts that fragment in flight, damaging enemies on hit and in a small cone behind their final target. The icy coating on the bolts makes them extremely potent at Freezing enemies.Permafrost Bolts Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage Knocks Back Enemies 80% more Freeze Buildup Bolts shatter on impact, dealing Damage in a 2.7 metre cone Multiple fragments can Hit the same target Multiple Fragments hitting a target simultaniously will combine their damage into a single Hit Fires 10 fragments per shot Ammunition 1 Bolts loaded per clip Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Fires (0.1-2) fragments per shotSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel.File:Permafrost Bolts skill icon.png |
Explosive GrenadeExplosive GrenadeAttack, AoE, Projectile, Grenade, Fire, Duration, Detonator Tier: 1 Level: (1-40) Cost: (10-870) Mana Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec Can Store 3 Use(s) Attack Speed: 75% of base Attack Damage: (135-1117)% of baseFires a bouncing Grenade that unleashes a devastating fiery blast when its fuse expires.Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage Explosion radius is (1.8–2.4) metres Fuse duration is 2.5 seconds Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (1-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery RateSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel.File:Explosive Grenade skill icon.png |
III | 6 | 10 Str 10 Dex |
High Velocity RoundsHigh Velocity RoundsAttack, Ammunition, Projectile, Physical, Payoff Tier: 3 Level: (1-40) Cost: (7-602) Mana Attack Damage: (150-1241)% of baseLoads your Crossbow with Piercing bolts that can consume Fully Broken Armour on enemies to deal extra damage.Fragmentation Rounds Projectile Knocks Back Enemies Bolts Pierce 6 Targets Vs Armour Broken Attack Damage: (340-1060)% Knocks Back Enemies Bolts Pierce 6 Targets Ammunition 1 Bolts loaded per clip Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (1-20)% more Projectile Damage after Piercing an EnemySkills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Incendiary Shot" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Flash Grenade" | |
V | 14 | 20 Str 20 Dex |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Rapid Shot" | Ice ShardsIce ShardsAmmunition, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Cold Tier: 5 Level: 1 Cost: 18 Mana Attack Speed: 550% of base Attack Damage: 7% of baseLoads your Crossbow with a clip of icy bolts that rapidly fire at the ground, leaving a shard of ice at the impact location unless the bolt hits an enemy. The ice shards shatter when enemies step on them, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Using this skill again reloads the clip.Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage Knocks Back Enemies Can fire 12 Bolts before reloading 50% less Freeze BuildupPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Galvanic Shards" | Gas GrenadeGas GrenadeAoE, Projectile, Grenade, Fire, Chaos, Duration Tier: 5 Level: 1 Cost: 13 Mana Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec Attack Speed: 75% of base Attack Damage: 40% of baseFires a bouncing Grenade that causes a burst of Poison gas when its fuse expires, damaging enemies and leaving behind a growing Poison cloud. Burning effects or Detonator skills will cause the cloud to explode in a fiery blast.Impact radius is (1.4–2) metres Fuse duration is 2 seconds Poison Cloud Does not Hit, but Poisons enemies as though Hitting them Gains 20% more Area of Effect per second, up to a maximum of 160% Explosion Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Fire DamagePlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
VII | 22 | 30 Str 30 Dex |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Ripwire Ballista" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Explosive Shot" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Glacial Bolt" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Voltaic Grenade" |
IX | 31 | 40 Str 40 Dex |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Artillery Ballista" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Stormblast Bolts" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Oil Grenade" | Coming Soon |
XI | 41 | 52 Str 52 Dex |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Hailstorm Rounds" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Shockburst Rounds" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Emergency Reload" | |
XIII | 52 | 66 Str 66 Dex |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Siege Cascade" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Plasma Blast" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Cluster Grenade" | Coming Soon |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 | ||||
III | 6 | |||||
V | 14 | |||||
VII | 22 | |||||
IX | 31 | |||||
XI | 41 | |||||
XIII | 52 |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 | ||||
III | 6 | |||||
V | 14 | |||||
VII | 22 | |||||
IX | 31 | |||||
XI | 41 | |||||
XIII | 52 |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 Dex | Poisonburst ArrowPoisonburst ArrowAoE, Projectile, Chaos, Duration Tier: 1 Level: (1-6) Cost: (5-10) Mana Attack Damage: (95-145)% of baseFires a virulent arrow that creates a burst of Poison on hit, affecting all enemies in an area.Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Escape ShotEscape ShotAttack, AoE, Projectile, Cold Tier: 1 Level: (1-20) Cost: (11-98) Mana Attack Damage: (50-204)% of baseLeap backwards and fire an arrow which can Chill or Freeze enemies around the location you escaped from.Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage +0.7 seconds to Total Attack Time 300% more Freeze Buildup Impact radius is 2.4 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–80)% more Freeze BuildupSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
Lightning ArrowLightning ArrowAttack, Projectile, Lightning, Bow Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost: 5 Mana Attack Speed: 90% of base Attack Damage: 70% of baseFires a charged arrow at the target. On hitting an enemy or wall, the arrow will fire beams at nearby enemies, Chaining from them.Converts 40% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage Hits up to 2 additional enemies near the targetPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skill Gem panel. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Lightning Rod" |
III | 6 | 16 Dex | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Snipe" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Vine Arrow" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Stormcaller Arrow" | |
V | 14 | 34 Dex | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Barrage" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Toxic Growth" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Freezing Salvo" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Electrocuting Arrow" |
VII | 22 | 52 Dex | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Sniper's Mark" | Gas ArrowGas ArrowAoE, Projectile, Fire, Chaos, Duration Tier: 7 Level: 1 Cost: 9 Mana Attack Damage: 80% of baseFires a noxious arrow at the ground, creating a cloud of flammable poisonous gas at the end of its flight. The cloud will detonate if hit by a Detonator skill or if an Ignited enemy touches it, creating a fiery explosion.Arrow Impact radius is 1.8 metres Poison Cloud Does not Hit, but Poisons enemies as though Hitting them Gains 50% more Area of Effect per second, up to a maximum of 200% Cloud radius is 1.8 metres Cloud duration is 4 seconds Explosion Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage Impact radius is 1.8 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Impact radius is (0–0.4) metresPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skill Gem panel. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Voltaic Mark" | Coming Soon |
IX | 31 | 72 Dex | Rain of ArrowsRain of ArrowsAttack, AoE, Projectile, Sustained Tier: 9 Level: (1-20) Cost: (15-136) Mana Attack Speed: 80% of base Attack Damage: (70-185)% of baseFire arrows into the air, causing them to rain from above. Consumes your frenzy charges to fire more arrows.Fires (30-39) arrows Rain radius is 3.6 metres Arrow impact radius is 0.7 metres Maximum 1 arrow rain One arrow lands every 0.08 seconds Fires 100% more Arrows if a Frenzy Charge was consumed Fires 50% more Arrows per Frenzy Charge consumed Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Fires (0-10) projectilesPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Detonating Arrow" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Ice Shot" | |
XI | 41 | 95 Dex | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Tornado Shot" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Shockchain Arrow" | Coming Soon | |
XIII | 52 | 119 Dex | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Spiral Volley" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Magnetic Salvo" | Coming Soon |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 Dex 1 Int |
Falling ThunderFalling ThunderAttack, AoE, Slam, Projectile, Lightning Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost: 11 Mana Attack Speed: 60% of base Attack Damage: 140% of base Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%Infuse a Quarterstaff with electrical energies, then Slam the ground to deal damage in a large area in front of you. Consumes your power charges to fire Lightning Projectiles forwards from the impact.Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage Cone length is 4 metres Projectile Projectiles Pierce all Targets Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage 25% more Damage per power charge Consumed 100% more Damage if a power charge was Consumed Fires 3 Projectiles per power charge Consumed Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–10)% Chance to not remove Charges on usePlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Killing PalmKilling PalmAoE, Melee, Strike, Physical Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost: 12 Mana Attack Speed: 90% of base Attack Damage: 147% of base Effectiveness of Added Damage: 147%Dash to an enemy and Strike them down with an unarmed Attack, Culling enemies if their life is low enough. Each enemy killed by this strike grants a Power Charge. Enemies around you that can be culled will be highlighted. This skill always Strikes with your bare fist, even if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.(24) to (36) Added Attack Physical Damage Culling Strike Can't be Evaded +7% to Critical Hit ChancePlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Glacial Cascade" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Frozen Locus" |
III | 6 | 10 Dex 10 Int |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Staggering Palm" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Tempest Bell" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Vaulting Impact" | |
V | 14 | 20 Dex 20 Int |
Wind BlastWind BlastAttack, Melee, Strike, AoE Tier: 5 Level: 1Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
Ice StrikeIce StrikeAoE, Melee, Strike, Cold Tier: 5 Level: 1 Cost: 5 Mana Attack Speed: 140% of base Attack Damage: 65% of baseRequires Level 14Perform a fast icy Strike. Using this Attack three times in quick succession causes a final strike that is slower and more powerful.Normal Strikes Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage Third Strike Attack Damage: (145-452)% 50% less Attack Speed Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage +7 to Melee Strike Range Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0-10)% More Attack SpeedPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.File:Ice Strike skill icon.png |
Tempest FlurryTempest FlurryAttack, AoE, Melee, Strike, Lightning Tier: 5 Level: (1-20) Cost: (5-49) Mana Attack Speed: 140% of base Attack Damage: (60-187)% of basePerform a series of aggressive Strikes. When used in quick succession, the third use Strikes three times, and the fourth use performs a Final Strike that calls down a powerful Shocking bolt.Normal Strikes Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage +4 to Melee Strike Range Third Strike 35% less Attack Speed Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage +4 to Melee Strike Range Fourth Strike Attack Damage: (150–468)% 45% less Attack Speed Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage +6 to Melee Strike Range 100% more chance to Shock Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: +(0-4) to Melee Strike RangePlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel. |
VII | 22 | 30 Dex 30 Int |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Wave of Frost" | Freezing MarkFreezing MarkAttack, AoE, Mark, Cold, Duration, Nova Tier: 7 Level: (1-7) Cost: (0-53) ManaMarks a target, making them more susceptible to being Frozen. When the Marked target dies, a Cold nova erupts from their corpse. This nova does not use your Weapon Damage, and instead uses its own base Attack Damage.Limit 1 Marked target Mark duration is 8 seconds Hits against Marked enemy cause 28% more Freeze buildupPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Siphoning Strike" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Storm Wave" |
IX | 31 | 40 Dex 40 Int |
Charged StaffCharged StaffAttack, Buff, AoE, Duration Tier: 9 Level: 1 Cost: 15 Mana Attack Damage: 40% of base Effectiveness of Added Damage: 40%Consume all power charges to infuse your Quarterstaff with electricity, adding Lightning damage and a Lightning shockwave to your Quarterstaff Attacks. Reusing this skill while the Buff is active adds to the Buff's duration and damage.Buff grants 1 to (2–22) Added Quarterstaff Attack Lightning damage per power charge Consumed, up to your maximum power charges Buff duration is 6 seconds per power charge Consumed Shockwave Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage Wave length is 5 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–20)% increased Skill Effect DurationPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Mantra of Destruction" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Hand of Chayula" | |
XI | 31 | 52 Dex 52 Int |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Whirling Assault" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Shattering Palm" | Coming Soon | |
XIII | 52 | 66 Dex 66 Int |
Flicker StrikeFlicker StrikeMelee, Strike, AoE, Movement Tier: 13 Level: 1 Cost: 50 Mana Attack Speed: 50% of base Attack Damage: 177% of base Effectiveness of Added Damage: 177%Requires Level 13Teleport to a enemy and strike them. Consumes Power Charges to perform additional teleporting strikes on nearby enemies.Teleports and Strikes 3 additional times per Power Charge, with 285% more Attack Speed You cannot gain Power Charges while using this SkillSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Gathering Storm" | Coming Soon |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 | ||||
III | 6 | |||||
V | 14 | |||||
VII | 22 | |||||
IX | 31 | |||||
XI | 41 | |||||
XIII | 52 |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 Int | Flame WallFlame WallSpell, AoE, Fire, Duration Tier: 1 Level: (1-40) Cost: (12-1513) ManaCreate a wall of Fire in front of the character, which Ignites everything within its area. Any Projectiles fired through the wall by you and Allies deal added Fire damage and inflict the Ignite on hit.Wall duration is (4.5–6.4) seconds Projectiles which pass through the wall deal (2–64) to (3–91) Added Fire Damage Ignites as though dealing (13–364) to (20–545) Fire damage Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–20)% more Magnitude of Ignite inflictedPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
Ice NovaIce NovaSpell, AoE, Cold, Nova Tier: 1 Level: (1-40) Cost: (8-1009) Mana Critical Strike Chance: 12.00%A nova of ice expands from you, Knocking Back enemies based on how close they are to you. Casting Ice Nova targeting near a Frostbolt Projectile will cause it to originate from the Frostbolt instead of you, and cause more Freeze buildup.Base Deals (4-113) to (6-170) Cold Damage 100% more Magnitude of Chill inflicted Knock Enemies Back on Hit Nova radius is 3.2 metres Cast on Frostbolt 50% more Freeze Buildup Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0-20)% more Damage with Hits against Enemies that are ChilledPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
Frost BombFrost BombSpell, AoE, Cold, Duration, Orb Tier: 1 Level: (1-40) Cost: (10-1345) Mana Cooldown Time: 3.50 sec Cast Time: 0.80 sec Critical Strike Chance: 13.00%Creates a pulsing Orb of frost. Each pulse inflicts Cold Exposure on nearby enemies. When the Orb's duration ends, it explodes, dealing Cold damage to surrounding enemies.Deals (21-578) to (32-867) Cold Damage Pulse and explosion radius are (1.7-2.4) metres Exposure duration is 5 seconds Orb duration is 3 seconds Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–20)% increased Cold Exposure EffectPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
SparkSparkSpell, Projectile, Lightning, Duration Tier: 1 Level: (1-20) Cost: (6-64) Mana Cast Time: 0.70 sec Critical Strike Chance: 9.00%Launches a spray of sparking Projectiles that travel erratically along the ground until they hit an enemy or expire.Deals (1–12) to (8–229) Lightning Damage (0–19)% increased Projectile Speed Fires (6–13) Projectiles Projectile duration is 2 seconds Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Fires (0–4) ProjectilesSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
III | 6 | 16 Int | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Ember Fusillade" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Frostbolt" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Orb of Storms" | |
V | 14 | 34 Int | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Incinerate" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Solar Orb" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Cold Snap" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Arc" |
VII | 22 | 52 Int | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Flammability" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Hypothermia" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Conductivity" | |
IX | 31 | 72 Int | FireballFireballSpell, AoE, Projectile, Fire Tier: 9 Level: (1-20) Cost: (11-118) Mana Cast Time: 1.20 sec Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%Launches a large ball of Fire which explodes on impact, creating a nova of smaller firebolts.Projectile Deals (7–193) to (11–290) Fire Damage Explosion Explosion radius is 1.7 metres Firebolts Fires 8 Projectiles Deals (5–145) to (8–218) Fire Damage Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: +(0–10)% chance to fire 2 additional ProjectilesPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Frost Wall" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Mana Tempest" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Lightning Warp" |
XI | 41 | 95 Int | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Firestorm" | CometCometAoE, Cold Tier: 11 Level: (1-20) Cost: (18-198) Mana Critical Strike Chance: 13.00%Calls down a mass of ice from the sky, dealing high damage at the targeted location. Targeting close to you will cause you to jump back as you cast.Deals (37–1009) to (56–1514) Cold Damage +1 second to Total Cast Time Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: +(0–2)% to Critical Hit ChanceSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Ball Lightning" | |
XIII | 52 | 119 Int | FlameblastFlameblastAoE, Fire, Channelling, Nova Tier: 13 Level: (1-40) Cost: (6-779) Mana Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%Requires Level 52Channels to build destructive energy around you or a targeted Solar Orb. Releasing the energy causes a devastating explosion that is larger and more intense the longer you Channelled forDeals (2–68) to (4–101) Fire Damage 30% more Cast Speed when targeting a Solar Orb 200% more Damage per Stage 10 Maximum Stages Explosion Radius is 0.4 Metres per Stage Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–10)% more Cast SpeedSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Eye of Winter" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Lightning Conduit" | Temporal ChainsTemporal ChainsAoE, Duration, Curse Tier: 13 Level: 1Curses all enemies in an area, Slowing them and making other effects on them expire more slowly.Curse applies after 1 second delay Curse radius is (1.5–2.1) metres Curse duration is (6–7.4) seconds Other effects on Cursed enemies expire 25% slower Cursed enemies are Slowed by (22–28)% Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: +(0–10)% increased Effect of CurseSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel.File:Temporal Chains skill icon.png |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 Int | Skeletal WarriorSkeletal WarriorMinion, Persistent Tier: 1 Level: 1Summons Reviving Skeletal Warriors.Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Skeletal SniperSkeletal SniperMinion, Persistent, Physical, Fire, Chaos Tier: 1 Level: (1-2) Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec Attack Speed: 120% of base Attack Damage: 70% of baseSummons long-ranged, Reviving Skeletal Snipers that can fire a gas arrow on command. Rains an arrow down from above, creating a cloud of flammable poisonous gas where it lands. Any Burning effects or Detonator skills will explode the gas cloud, creating a fiery explosion.Minions from this Skill have +(0-20)% to all Elemental Resistances Impact Radius is 1.4 metresPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
UnearthUnearthSpell, Minion, AoE, Physical, Duration Tier: 1 Level: (1-20) Cost: (8-87) Mana Cast Time: 0.95 sec Critical Strike Chance: 15.00%Raises spikes of bone from the earth in front of you, damaging enemies. The bones of Corpses in the area are ripped out and reassembled into short-lived Bone Construct Minions that fight for you.Deals (4–107) to (6–160) Physical Damage Limit (8–20) Bone Constructs Cone length is 6 metres Bone Construct duration is 12 seconds Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Bone Construct duration is (0-4) secondsSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
ContagionContagionSpell, AoE, Chaos, Duration Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cast Time: 1.00 secAffects a single enemy with a Debuff that deals Chaos damage over time. If the enemy dies while affected by Contagion, it and all other Chaos damage over time Debuffs spread to nearby enemies and refresh their durations. Reanimating or detonating a corpse affected by Contagion will cause the Minion or explosion to spread Contagion on hit.Deals 1.8 Base Chaos Damage per second Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to Debuff's Damage over Time Debuff deals 100% more damage for each time it has spread, up to 300% Spread radius is 1.7 metres Debuff duration is 5 seconds Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Debuff deals 0% more damage for each time it has spread, up to (0-100)%Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
III | 6 | 16 Int | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Enfeeble" | Skeletal ArsonistSkeletal ArsonistMinion, Persistent, Physical Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%Summons bomb-throwing, Reviving Skeletal Arsonists that can detonate other Minions on Command. Detonates an allied Minion whose current Life is below a threshold, dealing heavy damage to nearby enemies.Deals (7–267) to (11–401) Fire Damage Deals additional Fire Damage equal to 15% of Minion's maximum Life Can target Minions with (27–1253) Life or less Explosion radius is 2 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Deals additional Fire Damage equal to (0–4)% of Minion's maximum LifePlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Bone Cage" | Essence DrainEssence DrainProjectile, Chaos, Duration Tier: 3 Level: 1 Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%Fires a Projectile that applies a powerful Chaos damage over time debuff to enemies it hits.Deals (5–126) to (9–234) Chaos Damage Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to Debuff's Damage over Time Debuff duration is 4 seconds Deals (8–217.5) Base Chaos Damage per second Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Debuff Duration is (0-1) secondsSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel. |
V | 14 | 34 Int | Raise ZombieRaise ZombieMinion, Physical, Duration Tier: 5 Level: 1Consumes a Corpse or Power Charge to create a Zombie. Zombies created from Power Charges are Empowered.Limit 10 Raised Zombies Zombie Duration is 20 seconds Empowered Zombies take 30% less damage Empowered Zombies deal 100% more Damage with Hits Empowered Zombies have 25% more Movement SpeedPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Skeletal Frost MageSkeletal Frost MageMinion, Persistent, Cold Tier: 5 Level: (1-20) Cooldown Time: 6.00 sec Critical Strike Chance: 12.00%Summons Reviving Skeletal Frost Mages that can be Commanded to cast icy explosions.Deals 10 to 16 Cold Damage 100% more Magnitude of Chill inflicted Explosion radius is 2.6 metres Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: (0–10)% reduced ReservationPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Pain OfferingPain OfferingMinion, Buff, AoE, Duration Tier: 5 Level: 1Impales a Skeleton on a bone spike to send nearby Minions into a frenzy as long as the spike remains, causing them to use skills more quickly and deal more damage. The bone spike is itself a Minion. If it dies, the effect ends immediately.Limit 1 Pain Offering Spike Aura radius is 6 metres Spike duration is 6 seconds Aura grants Minions 30% increased Attack and Cast Speed Aura grants Minions (25-44)% more DamagePlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Bonestorm" |
VII | 22 | 52 Int | Detonate DeadDetonate DeadSpell, AoE, Physical, Fire, Detonator Tier: 7 Level: 1 Cast Time: 0.80 sec Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%Requires Level 22Causes a Corpse to violently explode, damaging surrounding enemies.Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.File:Detonate Dead skill icon.png |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Vulnerability" | Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Profane Ritual" | |
IX | 31 | 72 Int | Skeletal ReaverSkeletal ReaverMinion, Persistent, Physical Tier: 9 Level: 1 Cooldown Time: 4.00 secSummons aggressive, Reviving Skeletal Reavers that can enrage on Command. Enrage all Skeletal Reavers, causing them to lose life over time and gain Rage on hit. Skeletal Reavers do more Attack Damage and gain increased Attack speed based on their Rage.Gain 2 Rage on Hit Lose 1% of Life per second 20% more Life loss each secondPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
DespairDespairAoE, Chaos, Duration, Curse Tier: 9 Level: 1 Cost: 42 ManaCurses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Chaos Resistance.Curse applies after 1 second delay Cursed enemies have (-36-30)% to Chaos Resistance Curse radius is (1.5–2.1) metres Curse duration is (6–7.4) seconds Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Curse radius is (0–0.2) metersSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel.File:Despair skill icon.png |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Dark Effigy" | |
XI | 41 | 95 Int | Skeletal Storm MageSkeletal Storm MageMinion, Persistent, Lightning Tier: 11 Level: 1 Cooldown Time: 5.00 sec Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%Summons Reviving Skeletal Storm Mages that can call down a lightning storm on dead Skeletons on Command. Lightning bolts strike all fallen Skeletons in the area, creating Shocked Ground around them.Deals 8 to 44 Lightning Damage Bolt explosion radius is 1.8 metres Shocked Ground radius is 1.8 metres Shocked Ground duration is 6 secondsPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Bone OfferingBone OfferingMinion, Buff, AoE, Physical, Duration Tier: 11 Level: 1Impales a Skeleton on a bone spike to shield your Minions while the spike remains. The shield absorbs all damage from the next Hit each Minion takes, then explodes. The bone spike is itself a Minion, and shields itself. If it dies, shields on your other Minions disappear.Limit 1 Bone Offering Spike Spike duration is 5 secondsPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Hexblast" | |
XIII | 52 | 119 Int | Skeletal BruteSkeletal BruteMinion, Persistent, Physical Tier: 13 Level: 1Summons hard-hitting, Reviving Skeletal Brutes that can Stun Primed enemies. A Strike that causes a Heavy Stun on enemies that are Primed for Stun. Upon causing a Heavy Stun it will also create a Shockwave, dealing a large amount of damage in an area.Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Skeletal ClericSkeletal ClericMinion, Persistent Tier: 13 Level: 1Summons Reviving Skeletal Clerics that heal other minions and revive fallen Skeletons.Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab. |
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Soul Offering" |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 | ||||
III | 6 | |||||
V | 14 | |||||
VII | 22 | |||||
IX | 31 | |||||
XI | 41 | |||||
XIII | 52 |
Gem tier |
Level req. |
Attribute req. |
Skills | |||
I | 1 | 1 | ||||
III | 6 | |||||
V | 14 | |||||
VII | 22 | |||||
IX | 31 | |||||
XI | 41 | |||||
XIII | 52 |
Persistent buff skill gems
Gem tier |
Supports |
IV | |
VIII | |
Support gems
Main page: List of support gems
Gem | Tier | Str | Dex | Int |
Arcane SurgeArcane SurgeSpell, Duration Tier: 1 Level: 1Gain Arcane Surge for 8 seconds after spending a total of 100% of your maximum mana on supported skillsSupport spells you cast yourself, tracking the mana you spend to cast them. Spending enough mana grants a burst of mana regeneration and cast speedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Arcane TempoArcane TempoSpell Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Spells, causing them to cast faster.Supported Skills have 25% more Cast SpeedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
AccelerationAccelerationProjectile Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports Projectile Skills, making those Projectiles travel faster.Supported Skills have 40% more Projectile SpeedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
AmbushAmbushCritical Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Critically Hit enemies on full life.Supported Skill has 100% more Critical Hit Chance against Enemies that are on Full LifePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Ammo ConservationAmmo ConservationTier: 1 Level: 1Supported crossbow attacks have 25% chance to not consume a boltSupports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, granting a chance to not consume a Bolt when firing.Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
BloodlustBloodlustAttack, Melee, Physical Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Melee Attacks, causing them to deal more damage against Bleeding enemies, but preventing them from inflicting Bleeding.Supported Skills deal 30% more Melee Physical Damage against Bleeding enemies Supported Attacks cannot cause BleedingPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Bursting PlagueBursting PlagueAoE, Trigger, Physical, Chaos Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports skills that can Poison enemies, causing Poisoned enemies to gain Plague over time and explode in a Plague Burst on death. Cannot support the skills of Minions.Poison from Supported Skills also adds 200% of Damage per Second to Enemy as Plague, up to a maximum of 10% of Enemy's maximum LifePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Break EnduranceBreak EnduranceTier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to gain an Endurance Charge when it Fully Breaks an enemy's Armour.20% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when Supported Skills Fully Break enemy ArmourPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
BrutalityBrutalityPhysical Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that deals damage, boosting its Physical damage at the expense of all other Damage Types.Supported Skills deal 35% more Physical Damage Supported Skills deal no Chaos Damage Supported Skills deal no Elemental Damage.Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Concentrated EffectConcentrated EffectAoE Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill with an area of effect, causing that area to be smaller but any area damage it deals to be higher.Supported Skills deal 40% more Area Damage Supported Skills have 50% less Area of EffectPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
CrescendoCrescendoTier: 1 Level: 1Final strike of supported skills can be performed twice in successionSupports Strikes that perform a Final Strike at the end of a combination of attacks, allowing you to use the Final Strike twice in succession.Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
ComorbidityComorbidityChaos Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, allowing it to inflict an extra Poison on enemies but shortening the duration of those Poisons.Targets can be affected by +1 Poisons from Supported Skills at the same time Supported skills have 30% less Poison DurationPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Cold InfusionCold InfusionAttack, Cold Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Cold Damage but deal less Fire and Lightning DamageSupported Attacks Gain 25% of Damage as extra Cold Damage Supported Attacks deal 50% less Fire and Lightning DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
ConductionConductionLightning Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more likely to ShockSupported Skills have 100% more chance to ShockPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
ChainChainProjectile, Chaining Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Projectile Skills and any other skills that Chain, causing them to Chain additional times.Supported Skills chain +1 times Supported Skills Chain 100% more times Supported Skills deal 50% less Damage with HitsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Controlled DestructionControlled DestructionSpell, Critical Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Spells that Hit enemies, boosting their damage but preventing them from dealing Critical Hits.Supported Skills deal 30% more damage with Hits and Ailments Supported Skills cannot deal Critical HitsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
CorrosionCorrosionPhysical, Chaos Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing Poison it applies to also Break enemy Armour. Cannot support skills that Consume Fully Broken Armour.Poison applied by supported Skills also Breaks Armour equal to 80% of Poison Damage dealtPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Corrupting CryCorrupting CryWarcry Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Warcries causing them to inflict Corrupted Blood on enemies in their area of effect.Supported Warcries have 30% less area of effect Corrupted Blood deals 25% of your Strength as Physical Damage per second Corrupted Blood duration is 5 seconds Supported Warcries inflict Corrupted BloodPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Combo FinisherCombo FinisherAttack, Strike Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Melee Attacks you use yourself. Supported Skills cannot be used until enough Combo has been built up, but deal massively more damage. Cannot support skills which already Combo, or Triggered Skills.Supported Skills lose Combo if you generate no Combo for 8 seconds Supported Skills deal 40% more Damage Supported Skills require 5 Combo to usePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
ClarityClarityBuff, Persistent Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Mana Regeneration while the Skill is active.30% Increased Mana Regeneration Rate while a Supported Skill is activePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Decaying HexDecaying HexChaos, Curse Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%Supports Curse Skills. Cursed enemies' bodies decay, taking Chaos damage over time.Supported Skills inflict Decay, dealing 60% of Intelligence as Chaos damage per second for 8 secondsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
DecelerationDecelerationProjectile Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Projectile Skills, making those Projectiles travel more slowly.Supported Skills have 30% less Projectile SpeedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Deep FreezeDeep FreezeCold Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing Freeze it inflicts to last longer.Supported Skills have 50% increased Freeze Duration on EnemiesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Double BarrelDouble BarrelTier: 1 Level: 1Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, causing them to load an extra bolt at the cost of reload speed.Supported Skills have 30% less Reload Speed Supported Skills load an additional boltPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
EnvenomEnvenomChaos Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to Poison enemies.Supported Skills have 50% chance to Poison on HitPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
ExpanseExpanseAoE Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that you use yourself, granting it significantly higher Area of Effect but causing it to gain a long cooldown. Cannot support Skills which already have a cooldown.Supported Skills have 50% more Area of Effect Supported Skills have +6 seconds to CooldownPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Elemental ArmyElemental ArmyMinion Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports skills which create Minions, bolstering the Elemental Resistances of those Minions.Minions from Supported Skills have +30% to all Elemental ResistancesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Eternal FlameEternal FlameFire Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing its Ignites to be inflicted less often but last longer.Supported Skills have 100% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies Supported Skills have 25% less chance to IgnitePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Energy BarrierEnergy BarrierTier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that you can use, causing Energy Shield recharge to begin immediately if you are Stunned while using it.Energy Shield Recharge begins immediately and is not interrupted by Damage for 2 seconds when Stunned while using Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
EncumbranceEncumbranceSpell, Minion Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill, causing inflicted Slows to be more powerfulDebuffs inflicted with Supported Skills have 15% increased Slow MagnitudePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
ExecuteExecuteTier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal more damage against enemies on Low Life.Supported Skills deal 40% more Damage with Hits against Enemies that are on Low LifePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Fast ForwardFast ForwardDuration Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration shorter.Supported Skills have 30% less Skill Effect DurationPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
FortressFortressTier: 1 Level: 1Supports skills that create walls in a line, causing them to be created in a circle instead but deal less Hit damage.Supported Skills deal 50% less damage with Hits Walls from Supported Skills are created in a circle insteadPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Fire InfusionFire InfusionAttack, Fire Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Fire Damage but deal less Cold and Lightning DamageSupported Attacks Gain 25% of Damage as extra Fire Damage Supported Attacks deal 50% less Cold and Lightning DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Frost NexusFrost NexusAoE, Cold Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to create patches of Chilled Ground around Frozen enemies.Supported Skills create Chilled Ground for 4 seconds when they Freeze an EnemyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Fist of WarFist of WarAttack, Melee, Slam Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%Supports Slams you use yourself, providing a powerful Ancestral Boost every few seconds.Attacks with Supported Skill are Ancestrally Boosted, no more than once every 6 secondsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
GlaciationGlaciationCold Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more effective at Freezing enemies.Supported Skills cause 50% more Freeze BuildupPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Heightened CurseHeightened CurseCurse Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Curse Skills, magnifying their power.25% increased Effect of Supported CursesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
HourglassHourglassTier: 1 Level: 1Supports any damaging skill that you use yourself, causing it to deal signification more damage but gain a long cooldown. Cannot support Skills which already have a cooldown.Supported Skills deal 40% more damage Supported Skills have +10 seconds to CooldownPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
InnervateInnervateAttack, Lightning, Duration Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Attacks you use yourself. Killing a Shocked enemy with supported skills infuses all of your Attacks with Lightning damage for a short time.Attacks gain 35% of Damage as Lightning Damage for 3 seconds on killing a Shocked enemy with Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
InspirationInspirationTier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill, making it cost less to use. Cannot support skills which reserve Spirit.Supported Skills have 40% less CostPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Ice BiteIce BiteAttack, Cold, Duration Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Attacks you use yourself. Freezing an enemy with supported skills infuses all of your Attacks with Cold damage for a short time.Attacks Gain 35% of Damage as Cold Damage for 3 seconds on Freezing an enemy with Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Impact ShockwaveImpact ShockwaveAttack, Melee, Strike Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Melee Strike skills, causing them to create an Aftershock that damages enemies around the target when they Heavy Stun an enemy.Supported Skills create an Aftershock when they Heavy Stun an Enemy, dealing the same damage to enemies within 2 metresPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Impending DoomImpending DoomSpell, AoE, Trigger, Chaos Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%Supports Curse skills you cast yourself, causing them to trigger Doom Blast on Cursed enemies when the Curse expires.Trigger Doom Blast when Curses from Supported Skills expirePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
IgnitionIgnitionFire Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Ignite.Supported Skills have 100% more chance to IgnitePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Jagged GroundJagged GroundTier: 1 Level: 1Supported skills have a 50% chance to create Jagged Ground. Jagged Ground lasts 4 secondsSupports Slam skills, granting them a chance to create patches of Jagged Ground.Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
LeverageLeverageTier: 1 Level: 1Supports skills which Hit Enemies. Supported Skills gain increased chance to Critically Hit against Immobilised Enemies.Supported Skills have 50% increased Critical Hit Chance against Immobilised EnemiesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
LifetapLifetapTier: 1 Level: 1Supports any Skill, turning a portion of its Mana cost into a Life cost. Does not support Skills which reserve Spirit.Skills Mana Costs Converted to Life CostsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Life DrainLife DrainTier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing you to recover Life when it Culls an enemy.Recover 12% of Life over four seconds when Supported Skills Cull an EnemyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
LockdownLockdownPhysical Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing any Pin buildup it inflicts to be stronger the closer the enemy is to you.Supported Skills have 120% more Pin Buildup against enemies within 2 metres of you, scaling to no change at 12 metresPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Lasting ShockLasting ShockLightning Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies or inflicts Shock, causing its Shocks to be inflicted less often but last longer.Supported Skills have 100% increased Shock Duration Supported Skills have 25% less chance to ShockPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
LacerateLaceratePhysical Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to inflict Bleeding.Supported Skills have 50% chance to inflict BleedingPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Last GaspLast GaspMinion, Persistent, Duration Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports skills which create Persistent Minions, causing those Minions to fight on for a short duration before dying when they are fatally wounded.Minions from Supported Skills die 4 seconds after their Life is reduced to 0Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Lightning InfusionLightning InfusionAttack, Lightning Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Cold Damage but deal less Fire and Lightning DamageSupported Attacks Gain 25% of Damage as extra Lightning Damage Supported Attacks deal 50% less Cold and Fire DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Meat ShieldMeat ShieldMinion Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports skills which create Minions, granting the more life but making them deal less damage.Minions from Supported Skills deal 35% less Damage Minions from Supported Skills have 50% more maximum LifePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Magnified EffectMagnified EffectAoE Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill with an area of effect, making it larger.Supported Skills have 40% more area of EffectPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Martial TempoMartial TempoAttack Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing them Attack faster.Supported Skills have 25% more Attack SpeedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Minion InstabilityMinion InstabilityMinion, Fire Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports skills which create Minions, causing them to violently explode when reduced to Low Life.Minions from Supported Skills explode when reduced to Low Life, dealing 15% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage to surrounding EnemiesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Murderous IntentMurderous IntentTier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports skills that can Empower skills other than themselves, causing skills they Empower to Cull enemies.Skills Empowered by Supported Skills have Culling StrikePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Minion PactMinion PactMinion Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports damaging skills you use yourself, draining the life from one of your Minions on use in order to boost the skill's damage. Only takes effect if you have a Minion with enough life to drain the full amount.Supported Skills remove 100% of your maximum Life from a nearby Minion on use to deal 40% more damagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
OverabundanceOverabundanceTier: 1 Level: 1Supports skills which can have a Limited number of effects active at once, increasing that Limit at the cost of their duration. Only applies to restrictions that use the word "Limit".Supported Skills have +1 to Limit Supported Skills have 50% less Skill Effect DurationPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
OverpowerOverpowerTier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to build up Stun more quickly.Hits with Supported Skills cause 50% more Stun buildup.Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
PinPinPhysical Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, allowing its Physical damage to Pin enemies but making it unable to Stun.Supported Skills do not cause Stun buildup Physical Damage from Supported Skills is PinningPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
PiercePierceProjectile Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Projectile Skills, making their Projectiles Pierce an enemy but deal less damage after doing so.Projectiles from Supported Skills Pierce an Enemy Projectiles from Supported Skills deal 30% less Damage if they've Pierced an enemyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
ProfusionProfusionTier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports skills that can generate Charges, giving them a chance to generate an additional Charge when they do so.Supported Skills have 50% chance to grant an additional ChargePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
PremeditationPremeditationTier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%Supports skills that can Empower skills other than themselves, causing skills they Empower to deal more damage.Skills Empowered by Supported Skills deal 15% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
PersistencePersistenceDuration Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration longer.Supported Skills have 40% more Skill Effect DurationPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
PrecisionPrecisionBuff, Persistent Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Accuracy while the Skill is active.30% Increased Accuracy Rating while a Supported Skill is activePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Perpetual ChargePerpetual ChargeTier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%Supports skills that consume Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charges on use, giving them a chance not to remove each Charge while still gaining the benefits of consuming them.Supported Skills have 35% chance to not remove Charges but still count as consuming themPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
RuthlessRuthlessTier: 1 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing repeated uses to be more effective at Stunning enemies.Every fifth use of Supported Attacks causes 500% more Stun BuildupPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
RageRageTier: 1 Level: 1Supported skills grant 3 rage on hitSupports melee attacks. causing them to grant Rage on hit.Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Sacrificial LambSacrificial LambMinion Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports skills which create Minions, causing your skills which can target Minions to prioritise targeting Minions from the Supported Skill.Your Skills target Minions from Supported Skills within 6 metres if possiblePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
ScattershotScattershotProjectile Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Projectile Skills, making them fire extra Projectiles. Also lowers Attacks and Cast speed of supported skills, as well as lessening their damage.Supported Skills deal 20% less damage Supported Skills fire 2 additional Projectiles Supported Skills have 20% less Attack and Cast SpeedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Stomping GroundStomping GroundAttack, AoE, Physical Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Travel skills, causing your footsteps to crack the earth and emit damaging shockwaves while using the skill.Triggers a Shockwave when you take a step while using Supported Skills Deals 80% to 120% of your Strength as Physical Damage Shockwave radius is 1.8 metresPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Spell CascadeSpell CascadeTier: 1 Level: 1Supports Spells that affecct an area around you or a target location, causing those Spells to also target additional areas on either side of the target area, along a randomly chosen axis. Cannot support Channelling skills or Remote skills.Supported Skills have 20% less Area of Effect Cascades from Supported Skills have 20% less Area of Effect Supported Skills deal 30% less Damage Supported Skills also affect Areas on either side of the targeted Area along a random axisPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Second WindSecond WindTier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 150%Supports skills with cooldowns, giving them extra uses of that cooldown. Cannot support instant or triggered skills.Supported Skills have 50% less Cooldown Recovery Rate Supported Skills have twice as many Cooldown UsesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Swift AfflictionSwift AfflictionDuration Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that deals damage, causing it to deal more damage over time but have a shorter duration.Supported Skills deal 35% more non-Ailment Damage over Time 20% less Duration of Supported Skills and Damaging Ailments they inflictPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
UnleashUnleashSpell Tier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 150%Supports Spells you cast yourself, making their effect reoccur when cast. Cannot support Channelling Skills of Skills with a Cooldown.Supported Spells gain a Seal every 200% of cast time, to a maximum of 2 Seals Supported Spells are Unsealed when cast, and their effects Reoccur for each Seal lost Supported Skills deal 50% less Damage when ReoccurringPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
UnbreakableUnbreakableTier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%Supports any skill that you can use, making you harder to Stun while using it.200% more Stun Threshold while using Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
VitalityVitalityBuff, Persistent Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain Life Regeneration while the Skill is active.Regenerate 1% of life per second while a Supported Skill is activePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Window of OpportunityWindow of OpportunityChannelling Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Channelling skills that have special effects if released with Perfect Timing, causing them to deal much more damage if released with Perfect Timing but reducing the Perfect Timing window.Supported Skills have a 25% shorter Perfect Timing window Supported Skills deal 50% more Damage when released with Perfect TimingPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Withering TouchWithering TouchChaos, Duration Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to Wither enemies on Hit.Withered last 4 seconds Supported Skills deal 25% less Damage Supported Skills inflict Withred on Hit with Chaos damagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
Wind WaveWind WaveAoE, Trigger Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports any skill that you can use, triggering a blast of wind that Knocks Back enemies if you are Stunned while using it.Trigger wind Wave when Stunned while using Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
1 | +5 | ||
AftershockAftershockAttack, Melee, Slam Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Slams you use yourself, giving them a chance to create an Aftershock.Supported Skills have 25% chance to cause an AftershockPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Ancestral UrgencyAncestral UrgencyTotem Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Skills which place Totems, causing those skills to place Totems much more quickly.Supported Skills have 80% increased Totem Placement speedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Armour ExplosionArmour ExplosionAttack, AoE, Trigger, Fire Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing them to trigger a Fiery explosion when they Fully Break an enemy's Armour.Supported Skills trigger an Explosion when they Fully Break an enemy's ArmourPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Auto ReloadAuto ReloadTier: 2 Level: 1Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, causing them to automatically reload when they Heavy Stun an enemy.Supported Skills reloads automatically on Heavy Stunning an enemyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
BiddingBiddingTier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%Supports Minion Skills. Supported Minions deal significantly more damage with their Command Skills.Supported Minions' Command Skills deal 30% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
BlindBlindTier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to Blind on Hit.Supported Skills have 100% chance to Blind enemies on HitPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
BludgeonBludgeonTier: 2 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to Knock Back enemies.Supported Skills Knock Enemies Back on Hit.Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Break PostureBreak PostureAttack Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing them to Daze Enemies when they fully Break Armour.Supported Skills Apply Daze when fully Breaking Armour Daze lasts for 6 secondsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
BullseyeBullseyeAttack Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%Supports Attacks, causing them to gain Accuracy.Supported Skills have 50% more Accuracy RatingPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Close CombatClose CombatAttack Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140%Supports Attacks, causing them to deal more damage to enemies based on how close they are to you.Supported Skills deal 25% more Attack Damage to enemies within 1 metre of you, scaling down to no bonus at 3.5 metres or furtherPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Cold PenetrationCold PenetrationCold Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making those Hits Penetrate enemy Cold resistance.Supported Skills Penetrate 30% Cold ResistancePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Considered CastingConsidered CastingSpell Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Spell skills that Hit enemies and you cast yourself, boosting Damage at the cost of Cast Speed.Supported Spell Skills have 15% less Cast Speed Supported Skills deal 40% more Damage with Spell HitsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Corpse ConservationCorpse ConservationTier: 2 Level: 1Supports skills that consume Corpses, giving them a chance to take effect without destroying the Corpse.Corpses consumed by Supported Skills have 25% chance to not be destroyedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Coursing CurrentCoursing CurrentAoE, Lightning Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to also Shock nearby enemies when you Shock an enemy.Shocking Hits from Supported Skills have a 50% chance to also Shock enemies in a 2.5 metre radiusPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
DemolisherDemolisherSpell Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports any skill, causing Armour Break it inflicts to be stronger.Supported Skills Break 40% more ArmourPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
DevastateDevastateTier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to apply Broken Armour to enemies when causing a Heavy Stun to enemies.Supported Skills Fully Break Armour when inflicting a Heavy StunPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
ElectrocuteElectrocuteLightning Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports any Skill which can deal Damage. Lightning Damage from Supported Skills can inflict Electrocute.Lightning Damage from Supported Skills Contributes to Electrocution BuildupPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
ExciseExciseTier: 2 Level: 1Supports any damaging Skill that you use yourself, granting it significantly higher chance to Critically Hit, but causing it to gain a long cooldown. Cannot support Skills which already have a cooldown.Supported Skills have 40% more chance to Critically Hit Supported Skills have +8 seconds to CooldownPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Exploit WeaknessExploit WeaknessPayoff Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to deal more Damage against enemies with Broken Armour but preventing them from Breaking Armour themselves. Cannot support skills that Consume Broken Armour.Supported Skills cannot Break Armour Supported Skills Consume Enemy Fully Broken Armour to deal 50% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Feeding FrenzyFeeding FrenzyMinion Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports skills which create Minions, making them deal and take more damage.Minions from Supported Skills deal 30% more Damage Minions from Supported Skills take 20% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
FerocityFerocityTier: 2 Level: 1Supports Skills that you use yourself. Supported Skills will consume a Frenzy Charge on use if possible, and will gain significant Skill Speed if they do. Supported skills cannot generate Frenzy Charges.Supported Skills Cannot generate Frenzy Charges Supported Skills will consume a Frenzy Charge on use if possible Supported Skills have 40% more Skill Speed when consuming Frenzy ChargesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Fiery DeathFiery DeathSpell, Fire Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing enemies it Ignites to have a chance to explode on death.Enemies Ignited by Supported Skills have 60% chance to explode on death Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to 10% of the Corpse's Maximum LifePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Fire PenetrationFire PenetrationFire Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making those Hits Penetrate enemy Fire resistance.Supported Skills Penetrate 30% Fire ResistancePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Focused CurseFocused CurseCurse Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports Curse skills, causing them to Curse enemies more quickly after being cast.Curse zones from Supported Skills erupt after 30% reduced delay.Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Font of BloodFont of BloodTotem Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported Skills generate a Font of Blood, creating an Aura which grants Life regenerationFonts of Blood from Supported Skills grant 2% Life Regeneration per second to You and Your Allies. Objects created by Supported Skills create a Font of Blood with a 3 metre radiusPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Font of ManaFont of ManaTotem Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported Skills generate a Font of Mana, creating an Aura which grants Mana regeneration.Fonts of Mana from Supported Skills grant 40% increased Mana Regeneration Rate to You and Your Allies Objects created by Supported Skills create a Font of Mana with a 3 metre radiusPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Fresh ClipFresh ClipTier: 2 Level: 1Supports Crossbow Skills, granting them more damage for each bolt reloaded by that Skill in the last 6 secondsSupported Crossbow Skills deal 1% more Damage for each bolt Reloaded by that skill in the pat 6 secondsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
GlacierGlacierTier: 2 Level: 1Supports any skill which created Ice Crystals, causing them to be created with higher Life.Ice Crystals created by Supported Skills have 100% more LifePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Heavy SwingHeavy SwingAttack, Melee, Physical Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Melee Attacks, boosting their Physical damage at the cost of Attack Speed.Supported Skills deal 35% more Melee Physical Damage Supported Skills have 10% less Attack SpeedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
HerbalismHerbalismBuff, Persistent Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Life recovery from Flasks while the Skill is active.30% Increased Recovery from Life Flasks while a Supported Skill is activePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
HinderHinderSpell, Chaos Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment Chaos damage over time, causing damage over time they inflict to also Hinder enemies.Chaos Damage over time inflicted by Supported Skills also Hinders enemiesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Holy DescentHoly DescentTier: 2 Level: 1Supports Skills that leap into the air, causing them to create Consecrated Ground when you land.Supported Skills create Consecrated Ground for 4 seconds on landingPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
IcicleIcicleTier: 2 Level: 1Supports any skill which created Ice Crystals, causing them to be created with lower Life.Ice Crystals created by Supported Skills have 50% less LifePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
ImpetusImpetusTier: 2 Level: 1Supports Meta Skills. Supported Skills generate Energy significantly faster.Supported Skills gain 40% increased EnergyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Inevitable CriticalInevitable CriticalCritical Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill you use yourself that Hits enemies, causing it to accumulate Critical Hit chance over time.Supported Skills gain 25% increased Critical Hit Chance each second, up to 100%. This Critical Hit Chance is lost whenever a skill supported by Inevitable Critical Critically HitsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Infernal LegionInfernal LegionMinion, AoE, Fire Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports skills which create Minions, causing them and enemies near them to Burn. Damage dealt by the Burning is based off the Life of the supported Minion.Minions from Supported Skills take 20% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage per second Minions from Supported Skills Ignite Enemies within a radius of 1.5 metres as though dealing Base Fire Damage equal to 20% of Minion's Maximum LifePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
IngenuityIngenuityTier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%Supports skills with Cooldowns, increasing the rate at which those Cooldowns Recover.Supported Skills have 30% increased cooldown recovery ratePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Intense AgonyIntense AgonySpell, Duration Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment damage over time, causing them to have a shorter duration but deal substantially more damage over time with Debuffs inflicted against enemies on full life.Damage over time Debuffs inflicted on Full-life enemies by Supported Skills Deal 50% more damage Supported Skills have 25% less Skill Effect DurationPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
IronwoodIronwoodTotem Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Skills which create Totems. Totems created by Supported Skills have additional Elemental Resistances.Totems summoned by Supported Skills have +40% to all Elemental ResistancesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Life ThiefLife ThiefAttack, Physical Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing their Physical damage to Leech Life.Leech 6% of Physical Attack Damage from Supported Skills as LifePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Lightning PenetrationLightning PenetrationLightning Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making those Hits Penetrate enemy Lightning resistance.Supported Skills Penetrate 30% Lightning ResistancePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
LongshotLongshotAttack Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports Attacks, causing them to deal more damage from farther away.Supported Skills deal 35% more Attack Damage to enemies further than 7 metres from you, scaling down to no bonus at 3.5 metres or closerPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
MaimMaimAttack Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing them to Maim enemies.Supported Attacks always Maim on HitPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Mana FlareMana FlareSpell, Fire, Critical Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec Cast Time: 1.00 sec Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%Supports any Spell that Hits enemies, causing it to trigger a Mana Flare on Critical Hit. The Mana Flare consumes your Mana to deal Fire damage. Cannot support the skills of Minions.Supported Skills trigger Mana Flare on Critical Hit Consumes 20% of current Mana to deal that much Fire damagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
MomentumMomentumTier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any damaging skill that you use yourself, causing it to deal more damage if you move a sufficient distance while using the skill. Teleportation does not count towards the distance travelled.After moving at least 2 metres during a single use of a Supported Skill, the rest of that use deals 40% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
PotentialPotentialTier: 2 Level: 1Supports Skills that you use yourself. Supported Skills will consume a Power Charge on use if possible, and will be much more likely to Critically Hit if they do. Supported Skills cannot generate Power Charges.Supported Skills cannot generate Power Charges Supported Skills will consume a Power Charge on use if possible Supported Skills have 30% more chance to Critically Hit when consuming Power ChargesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Practiced ComboPracticed ComboAttack, Melee, Strike Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Strike Skills. Supported Skills have a chance to build additional Combo on Hit. Cannot support Skills used by Minions.Supported Strike Skills have a 40% chance to build an additional Combo on HitPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Primal ArmamentPrimal ArmamentAttack Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports Attacks that use a weapon, causing them to deal more weapon Elemental damage.Supported Skills deal 25% more Weapon Elemental DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Raging CryRaging CryWarcry Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Warcry skills, causing them to grant you Rage on use depending on counted monster Power.Supported Skills grant 4 Rage per 5 Power of counted Enemies in rangePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
RicochetRicochetProjectile Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports any Skill which creates Projectiles, giving those Projectiles a chance to Chain when impacting terrain.Projectiles from Supported Skills have 40% chance to Chain an additional time from terrainPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Rising TempestRising TempestTier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports Skills which deal Damage, raising Elemental Damage dealt for each Skill used Recently of a different Elemental type. Cannot support Minion Skills.Supported Skills deal 12% more Elemental Damage for each Skill used Recently of a different Elemental typePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Ritualistic CurseRitualistic CurseCurse Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Curse skills, causing them to cover a larger area but take longer to Curse enemies.Curse zones from Supported Skills erupt after 30% increased delay Supported skills have 50% increased Area of EffectPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Shock SiphonShock SiphonLightning Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing you to recover Energy Shield when it kills a Shocked enemy.Recover 4% of Energy Shield when a Supported Skill deals a Killing Blow to a Shocked EnemyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Soul ThiefSoul ThiefAttack, Physical Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing their Physical damage to Leech Mana.Leech 5% of Physical Attack Damage from Supported Skills as ManaPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Spell EchoSpell EchoSpell, AoE Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 150%Supports Spells that affect an area around you or a target location. Supported Spells echo, causing their effects to happen again after a short delay. Cannot support Channelling skills or Remote skills.Supported Spells Echo once Supported Skills have 30% less Cast Speed Echoes from Supported Spells have 30% more Area of EffectPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
SplinterSplinterTier: 2 Level: 1Supports Skills that Hit Enemies, causing those Hits to Break Armour based on a portion of Physical Damage dealt.Break Armour equal to 15% of Physical Damage dealt by Supported SkillPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
Strip AwayStrip AwaySpell Tier: 2 Level: 1Supports Skills which apply Exposure to Enemies, increasing the effect of applied Exposure.Exposure applied by Supported Skills has 30% increased effectPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
WildfireWildfireAoE, Fire Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, Spreading Ignites it inflicts to nearby enemies after a delay.Ignites inflicted by Supported Skills Spread to other enemies that stay within (0–1.5) metres for 2 secondsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
2 | +5 | ||
AblationAblationTier: 3 Level: 1Supports Offering Skills. Supported Skills Sacrifice a portion of your life on use, but deal much more damage and have more powerful Buffs in return.30% increased effect of Offerings Supported Skills Sacrifice 15% of Life on use Supported Offering Skills deal 30% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Astral ProjectionAstral ProjectionTier: 3 Level: 1Supports Nova Skills, causing those Skills to take place at the targeted location when used instead of around you.Supported Skills Cast at the targeted location instead of around you Supported Skills have 35% less Area of EffectPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
BeheadBeheadAttack, Melee, Strike Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Strike skills, causing them to steal Modifiers from Rare monsters they kill.Killing Blows from Supported Strike Skills against Rare monsters grant one of their Modifiers for 20 secondsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Biting FrostBiting FrostCold, Payoff Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to deal more damage to Frozen enemies but consume their Freeze. Cannot support skills that Consume Freeze.Supported Skills cannot cause Freeze buildup Supported Skills Consume Freeze on enemies to deal 50% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Burning InscriptionBurning InscriptionAoE, Fire Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill which creates Runic Inscriptions when Cast, causing those Runic Inscriptions to trigger Burning Inscription when they expire. Burning Inscriptions is a Spell which creates Ignited Ground based off of your Maximum Mana.Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
CannibalismCannibalismBuff, Persistent Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost: 15 SpiritSupports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to recover Life on kill while the Skill is active.4% of Life recovered on Kill while a Supported Skill is activePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
CapacitorCapacitorTier: 3 Level: 1Supports Invocation Skills which Trigger other Skills. Supported Skills have significantly higher Maximum Energy.Supported Meta Gems have 80% increased Maximum EnergyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Chaos InfusionChaos InfusionSupport, Attack, Chaos Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Chaos Damage but deal less Damage of other Types.Supported Attacks Gain 25% of Damage as extra Chaos Damage Supported Attacks deal 50% less non-Chaos DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Chaos MasteryChaos MasteryChaos Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Chaos skills, granting them an additional level.+1 to Level of Supported Chaos SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Chaotic FreezeChaotic FreezeSpell, Chaos Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment Chaos damage over time. Enemies taking damage over time from Debuffs caused by supported skills will suffer Freeze build up from Chaos damage Hits from any source.Chaos damage Contributes to Freeze buildup for Hits against targets taking damage over time from Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Cold ExposureCold ExposureCold, Duration, Critical Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to inflict Cold Exposure when it Critically Hits an enemy.Supported Skills inflict Cold Exposure for 8 seconds on Critical Hit with Cold DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Cold MasteryCold MasteryCold Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Cold skills, granting them an additional level.+1 to Level of Supported Cold SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
CulminationCulminationAttack, Melee Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Melee Attack Skills. Supported Skills gain Combo when you successfully Strike Enemies with other Melee Attacks. Supported Skills reset their Combo on use, dealing more Damage the higher Combo you had on use. Cannot support skills which already gain Combo. Cannot Support Skills used by Minions.Supported Skills can gain Combo Supported Skills lose all Combo on use Supported Skills lose Combo if you generate no Combo for 3 seconds Supported Skills deal 2% more Damage per ComboPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Culling StrikeCulling StrikeAttack Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Attack Skills, causing them to Cull Rare and Unique Enemies on Hit.Supported Skills have Culling Strike against Rare or Unique EnemiesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Cursed GroundCursed GroundTier: 3 Level: 1Supports Curse Skills. Supported Curse Skills no longer have an activation delay, instead creating areas which Curse Enemies so long as they are within them.Supported Skills create Cursed Ground Enemies on the Cursed Ground from a Supported Skill are Cursed while within it Maximum 1 area of Cursed GroundPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Danse MacabreDanse MacabreTier: 3 Level: 1Supports Offering Skills. Supported Skills have increased Buff effect and deal more damage, but will target an additional skeletal Minion when cast. If there is not an additional skeletal Minion to target, no damage or Buff effect will be granted.Supported Offering Skills have 30% increased Buff effect Supported Offering Skills target an additional skeletal Minion Support Effects are only applied if an additional skeletal Minion is targeted Supported Offering Skills deal 30% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Dazing CryDazing CryWarcry Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%Supports Warcries, causing them to Daze Enemies on use.Supported Skills Daze Enemies Daze lasts for 4 secondsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Deadly PoisonDeadly PoisonChaos Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal less damage but inflict more potent PoisonSupported Skills deal 25% less Damage with Hits 75% more Magnitude of Poison inflicted with Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Deep CutsDeep CutsPhysical Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal less damage but inflict more potent Bleeding.75% more Magnitude of Bleeding inflicted with Supported Skills Supported Skills deal 25% less Damage with HitsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
DespoilerDespoilerTier: 3 Level: 1Supports Skills that create Ground Surfaces, causing those surfaces to last longer.50% increased duration of Ground Surfaces created by Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
DiscombobulateDiscombobulateAttack, Physical Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing them to build up Daze based on a portion of Physical Damage dealt.Supported Attacks cause Daze buildup equal to 100% of Physical Damage dealtPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Drain AilmentsDrain AilmentsSpell Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment damage over time, causing them to consume Ailments on enemies it applies damage over time Debuffs to in order to deal substantially more damage over time.Supported Skills Consume a random Ailment on the target when inflicting damage over time Debuffs, causing the Debuff to deal 35% more damage if an Ailment was consumedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Elemental DischargeElemental DischargeSpell, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Payoff Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec Cast Time: 1.00 sec Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%Supports any Spell that Hits enemies, causing it to consume Elemental Ailments on hit to trigger an Elemental Discharge. Cannot support the skills of Minions.Supported Skills Cannot inflict Freeze, Shock or Ignite Supported Skills Consume Freeze, Shock and Ignite on hit to trigger Elemental Discharge Consuming Ignite deals 35% to 55% of your Intelligence as Fire Damage Consuming Freeze deals 30% to 50% of your Intelligence as Cold Damage Consuming Shock deals 1% to 80% of your Intelligence as Lightning DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Elemental FocusElemental FocusTier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal more Elemental Damage but be unable to inflict Elemental Ailments.Supported Skills deal 25% more Elemental Damage Supported Skills cannot inflict Elemental AilmentsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Energy RetentionEnergy RetentionTier: 3 Level: 1Supports Meta Skills. Supported Skills gain a chance to partially Refund a portion of Energy cost when Triggering or Invoking other Skills.Skills Triggered by Supported Meta Skills have 35% chance to refund half of their Energy costPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Enraged WarcryEnraged WarcryWarcry Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Warcries, causing them to consume Rage to further boost Empowered Attacks.Supported Warcries consume up to 10 Rage, causing Attacks Empowered by them to deal 30% more damagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
ExecrateExecrateTier: 3 Level: 1 Cooldown Time: 8.00 secSupports any damaging Skill that you use yourself, granting it significantly higher chance to inflict Ailments on hit, but causing it to gain a long cooldown. Cannot support Skills which already have a cooldown.Supported Skills have 100% more chance to inflict Ailments Supported Skills have +8 seconds to CooldownPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
ExtractionExtractionTier: 3 Level: 1Supports Spell Skills. Using supported Spells will cause you to Sacrifice a portion of your Life on use, gaining extra Chaos Damage in exchange. Does not support Persistent Skills, Minion Skills, or Triggered Skills.Supported Skills Gain 25% of Damage as extra Chaos Damage Supported Skills Sacrifice 10% of Life on usePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Fire ExposureFire ExposureFire, Duration Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to inflict Fire Exposure when it Ignites an enemy.Supported Skills inflict Fire Exposure for 8 seconds on Igniting an EnemyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Fire MasteryFire MasteryFire Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Fire skills, granting them an additional level.+1 to Level of Supported Fire SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Font of RageFont of RageTotem Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported Skills generate a Font of Rage, creating an Aura which grants Rage over time, as well as preventing Rage loss.Objects created by Supported Skills create a Font of Rage with a 3 metre radius Fonts of Rage from Supported Skills grant 2 Rage Regeneration per second to You and Your AlliesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
ForkForkProjectile Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 110%Supports Projectile skills, making their Projectiles Fork.Projectiles from Supported Skills Fork Projectiles from Supported Skills deal 50% less Damage after ForkingPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
FrostfireFrostfireCold, Fire, Payoff Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to Consume Freeze on Igniting a Frozen enemy to boost the effect of the Ignite.100% more Magnitude of Ignite inflicted on Frozen targets with Supported Skills Supported Skills cannot cause Freeze buildup Supported Skills Consume Freeze from Enemies they IgnitePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
HeftHeftPhysical Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports Skills which deal Damage, increasing the maximum Physical Damage of their Hits.Supported Skills have 30% more Maximum Physical DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
3 | +5 | ||
Hex BloomHex BloomAoE, Curse Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports Curses, spreading their effects when a Cursed enemy dies.Curses from Supported Skills spread to enemies within 3 metres when a Cursed enemy diesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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ImmolateImmolateFire, Payoff Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Attacks, granting them extra Fire damage against Ignited enemies but making them unable to Ignite enemies themselves.Supported Skills cannot Ignite Supported Attacks Gain 30% of Damage as extra Fire Damage against Ignited enemiesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Life BountyLife BountyTier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing enemies it kills to grant more Life Flask charges.Enemies killed by Hits from Supported Skills grant 100% more Life Flask ChargesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Lightning ExposureLightning ExposureLightning, Duration Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to inflict Lightning Exposure when it Shocks an enemy.Supported Skills inflict Lightning Exposure for 8 seconds on Shocking an EnemyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Lightning MasteryLightning MasteryLightning Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Lightning skills, granting them an additional level.+1 to Level of Supported Lightning SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Long FuseLong FuseGrenade Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Skills which fire Grenades, causing those Grenades to have much higher duration and damage.Supported Skills have 50% increased Skill Effect Duration Supported Grenade Skills cannot explode before the end of their fuse duration Supported Grenade Skills deal 30% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Mana BountyMana BountyTier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing enemies it kills to grant more Mana Flask charges.Enemies killed by Hits from Supported Skills grant 100% more Mana Flask ChargesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Minion MasteryMinion MasteryMinion Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Minion skills, granting them an additional level.+1 to Level of Supported Minion SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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MobilityMobilityTier: 3 Level: 1Supports skills that can be used while moving, allowing you to move faster while using them.30% less Movement Speed penalty while using Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Neural OverloadNeural OverloadLightning Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies. Nearby enemies are marked when they are Primed for Electrocution, and hitting a marked enemy with a supported skill will Electrocute them.Supported Skills Electrocute Primed enemies on HitPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Nimble ReloadNimble ReloadTier: 3 Level: 1Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, causing them to Reload bolts significantly faster.Supported Skills have 60% increased Crossbow Reload SpeedPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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OverchargeOverchargeLightning Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making its Shocks more effective but last for a shorter duration.75% increased Magnitude of Shocks inflicted with Supported Skills Supported Skills have 50% less Shock DurationPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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PayloadPayloadGrenade Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Skills which fire Grenades, giving fired Grenades a chance to activate again, but lengthening their cooldowns.Supported Skills have 70% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate Grenades fired by Supported Skills have 50% chance to activate a second timePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Physical MasteryPhysical MasteryPhysical Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Physical skills, granting them an additional level.+1 to Level of Supported Physical SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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RageforgedRageforgedTier: 3 Level: 1Supports any damaging skill that you use or trigger yourself, causing it to consume Rage to deal more damage. If you don't have enough Rage to consume, the damage bonus will not apply.Supported Skills consume 10 Rage if possible to deal 35% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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RuptureRupturePhysical Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports skills that Hit Enemies. Supported skills Aggravate Bleeding on Hitting Heavily Stunned Enemies.Supported Skills Aggravate Bleeding on Hitting Heavy Stunned EnemiesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Searing FlameSearing FlameFire Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing inflicted Ignites to deal more damage but its Hits to deal less damage.Supported Skills deal 25% less Damage with Hits 75% more Magnitude of Ignite inflicted with Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Soul DrainSoul DrainTier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing you to recover Mana when it Culls an enemy.Recover 12% of Mana over four seconds when Supported Skills Cull an EnemyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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StormfireStormfireLightning, Fire Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, prolonging Shocks they inflict on Ignited enemies.Shocks from Supported Skills do not expire on Ignited enemiesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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SupercriticalSupercriticalTier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal more damage with Critical Hits but have less Critical Hit chance.Supported Skills have 100% increased Critical Damage Bonus Supported Skills have 20% less Critical Hit chancePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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TremorsTremorsAttack, Melee, Slam Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Slam Skills you use yourself. Supported Skills gain multiple independent chances to cause Aftershocks, but deal less Damage.Supported Skills have 30% chance to cause an additional Aftershock Supported Skills have 15% chance to cause two additional Aftershock Supported Skills have 10% chance to cause three additional Aftershock Supported Skills deal 35% less DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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UpheavalUpheavalAttack, Melee Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Melee Attacks which create fissures in the ground, causing them to create additional fissures at the cost of damage and attack speed.Supported Skills create 2 additional fissures Supported Skills have 20% less Attack Speed Supported Skills deal 40% less DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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WildshardsWildshardsSpell, Projectile Tier: 3 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports Spell Skills that fire Projectiles. Supported Skills have a chance to fire many additional Projectiles in a circle.Supported Skills have a 20% chance to fire 8 additional Projectiles in a circlePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time. |
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Version history
Version | Changes |
0.1.0d |
0.1.0 |