Precursor tablet

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This page is about the item class. For the base type, see Precursor Tablet (generic).

Precursor tablets are items that can be placed within completed Towers and consumed to add additional map mechanic encounters to maps within the range of the tower in the Atlas. A given mechanic will drop tablets for itself, making Atlas content self-sustaining.

Tablets can be normal or magic rarity. They can be crafted with currency items.

drop restrictions
Breach Precursor TabletBreach Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain BreachesCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.(5-10) Maps in Range contain Breaches65Drops from Breach monsters in maps.
Delirium Precursor TabletDelirium Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain Mirrors of DeliriumCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.(5-10) Maps in Range contain Mirrors of Delirium65Drops from Delirium monsters in maps.
Expedition Precursor TabletExpedition Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain Expedition EncountersCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.(5-10) Maps in Range contain Expedition Encounters65Drops from Expedition monsters in maps.
Overseer Precursor TabletOverseer Precursor TabletUp to (3-7) Maps in Range contain BossesCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.Up to (3-7) Maps in Range contain Bosses65Drops from map bosses.
Precursor TabletPrecursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range are IrradiatedCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.(5-10) Maps in Range are Irradiated65Drops in maps.
Ritual Precursor TabletRitual Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain Ritual AltarsCan be used in a completed Tower on your Atlas to influence surrounding Maps. Tablets are consumed once placed into a Tower.(5-10) Maps in Range contain Ritual Altars65Drops from Ritual monsters in maps.


List of Prefix modifiers on Precursor Tablets

All types of tablets get the same pool of Prefixes. For Suffixes, check out each individual tablet for its unique rolls.

  • (10–20)% increased Quantity of Items found in your Maps
  • (10–20)% increased Rarity of Items found in your Maps
  • (3–8)% increased Pack Size in your Maps
  • (15–25)% increased Magic Monsters in your Maps
  • (10–15)% increased Rare Monsters in your Maps
  • (5–10)% increased Gold found in this Area
  • (5–10)% increased Experience gain

Version history

Version Changes
  • Fixed a bug where many Precursor Tablet modifier descriptions did not display when hovering over Maps in radius of the completed Tower.
  • Introduced to the game.