Version 0.1.1
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← 0.1.0f January 9, 2025 | 0.1.1 January 17, 2025 | 0.1.1b → January 24, 2025 |
This patch contains new endgame tower maps, checkpoints for map areas, respawn attempts for the Arbiter of Ash, as well as many monster changes, unique changes, improvements and bug fixes.
Patch notes
These are the official patch notes for Path of Exile 2 version 0.1.1 released by Grinding Gear Games.[1]
Endgame Changes
- Added 4 new Tower Map areas: Alpine Ridge, Bluff, Mesa, and Sinking Spire.
- The Lost Towers Map area has also been revamped.
- To address the problem of only having one attempt at the Arbiter of Ash Boss fight, you will now have up to five respawn attempts at this fight. Respawns can only be triggered by the person who put in the keys, and everyone in your party will be respawned at the same time. Leaving the Map still forfeits your attempt so you'll still need to fight the boss with the build you walked into the Map with. Higher difficulties of the Boss will lower the number of respawn attempts you receive. We'll be looking to add respawn attempts to other Pinnacle content over time.
- The Arbiter of Ash can no longer be interrupted during his falling flame seed skill. His flaming gale skill can no longer be blocked.
- The Arbiter of Ash Boss is now invulnerable for longer during its emergence and now takes significantly reduced damage while emerging.
- The Arbiter of Ash is now way less likely to target minions when using his sword, which could prevent some of their skills being used.
- Added checkpoints to Map areas.
- Map areas now contain a minimum of 3 Rare Monsters.
- Citadels can now appear closer to the Ziggurat Refuge.
- Improved the visibility of Citadels on the Endgame Map.
- Maps now display their Biome when hovered in the Atlas UI.
- Added the new Overseer Precursor Tablet, a currency item which can be placed in completed Towers to add Map Bosses to valid Maps in radius. These tablets drop from Map Bosses, and can roll exclusive modifiers that affect Map Bosses.
- Map areas have been adjusted to have more distinct specialities for the content they contain. For example, one Map area might have more total number of monsters, while another is more likely to contain additional content such as Strongboxes, Essences or Shrines. Generally speaking, the more difficult a Map is to clear, or the smaller it is, the more axes it will specialise in. Here's an overview of changes we've made to give Maps more discernibility:
- A number of Maps now spawn up to double the number of Chests, and twice as many minimum Magic or Rare Chests.
- A number of Maps now contain up to double the number of Monsters.
- A number of Maps now contain 50% more Magic Monsters.
- A number of Maps now contain 50% more Rare Monsters.
- A number of Maps now have a higher minimum number of Rare Monsters you will encounter.
- A number of Maps now have a lower minimum number of Rare Monsters you will encounter.
- A number of Maps now have 50% more chance to contain Essences.
- A number of Maps now have 50% more chance to contain Strongboxes.
- A number of Maps now have 50% more chance to contain Shrines.
- Maps that are only exclusively found in Biomes containing Citadels now have 50% more chance to contain Essences, Strongboxes and Shrines.
- Unclaimed Hideout Areas now have substantially more Magic Monsters, and fewer Rare Monsters.
- Monsters in the Untainted Paradise have been breeding. Untainted Paradise now contains 100% more Monsters, of which spawn 100% more (thus quadruple) Magic and Rare Monsters.
- Improved the highlightability/clickability of Shrines.
- Reduced the damage scaling of Monsters in Simulacrum encounters with added Difficulty.
- Adjusted the chance for Maps to contain Bosses, you should be encountering a Boss roughly every 1 in 4 Maps.
- The chance for Map Bosses to drop a Waystone of the current tier or higher has been reduced to account for the increase in total number of Map Bosses.
- The Radiant Waystones Atlas Notable Passive now provides +15% chance for Map Bosses to drop a Waystone of the current tier or higher (previously 25%).
- The small Map Boss Waystone Chance Passives now provide +6% chance for Map Bosses to drop a Waystone of the current tier or higher (previously 10%).
- The I'm not afraid of you! Delirium Atlas Passive Skill now grants "Delirium Bosses in your Maps drop 100% increased Simulacrum Splinters" (previously 50%).
- Reduced the number of monsters and small chests from Breaches by 15%.
- Increased the amount of Simulacrum Splinters found in Maps by 20%.
- Added dedicated 2D art for Waystones that are instilled with layers of Delirium.
- Crisis Fragments, Breachstones, Simulacrums, and An Audience with the King now have a more appropriate gold value to vendors.
- Increased how far you can zoom out on the Endgame Map on keyboard and mouse input, to match the zoom level on controller input.
Skill Changes
- Supercharged Slam now has "Each successive aftershock gains +0.5 metres to radius, up to 3 metres (previously uncapped).
- Scavenged Plating now grants you stacks for a duration based on the enemy's rarity. Normal enemies grant 1 stack, Magic enemies grants 2 stacks, Rare enemies grant 5 stacks, and Unique enemies grant 10 stacks.
- The Lightning Bolt Skill granted by the Choir of the Storm Unique Amulet has been renamed to Greater Lightning Bolt to differentiate it from the Skill granted by Staves. Triggered Greater Lightning Bolts are now unable to trigger a subsequent Greater Lightning Bolt if the first was a Critical Hit. Greater Lightning Bolt now deals roughly 3.5 times more base Lightning Damage compared to Lightning Bolt.
- The Temporalis Unique Body Armour can no longer reduce the cooldown of a Skill to below 100ms.
- Skills socketed in a Meta Gem's sockets can no longer gain energy.
- Clarified Vine Arrow's description to explicitly state that it hits enemies on landing.
- Removed the Aura tag from Pain Offering for consistency with other minion skills, as the skill does not directly create an Aura (the Aura is created by the summoned minion).
Monster Changes
- Monsters now have increased Toughness per Essence modifier affecting them.
- Added a small delay before monsters released from Essence Monoliths can use their skills.
- Forsaken Miners now throw less grenades, which have also had their damage reduced and their visuals improved.
- Rudja, the Dread Engineer's grenades now deal less damage in Cruel and Maps.
- Reduced how far away Faridun Plaguebringers can use their Detonate Dead skill from. The telegraphing for this skill has been improved.
- Reduced how far away Lost-men Zealots can use their Meteor skill from. The visuals of this skill have also been improved.
- The Lightning Storm skill used by Lost-men Zealots should now always strike at the telegraphed marker, as opposed to somewhere random.
- Filthy Crone no longer uses their Projectile Vomit skill point blank in front of you (because that's just rude), and now has a basic projectile attack.
- Reduced the leap distance of Vile Vulture's Leap skill. The visuals of this skill have also been improved.
- Reduced the axe throwing distance of Vaal Axemen.
- Reduced the area of effect for Filthy First-born's on-death explosion. The visibility of the area of effect has also been improved.
- The vomit skill used by Rotting Hulks and Bog Hulks now deal less damage, and can no longer be used point blank in front of you.
- Adjusted the damaging area of The Bloated Miller's slam skills to more closely match the visual effects.
- Adjusted the damaging area of Zalmarath, the Colossus' attacks to more closely match the visual effects.
- Adjusted the player targeting behaviour for Zalmarath, the Colossus. Their arms are no longer targetable.
- Adjusted the damaging area of Bahlak, the Sky Seer's Tornadoes to more closely match the visual effects. Tornadoes now push you slightly away when they appear, and now deal less damage when they first appear before ramping up.
- Reduced how often Prowling Shades can use their invisibility skill.
- Adjusted the frequency of some monsters such as Prowling Shades and Gelid Zealots.
- Vaal Zealots are now less likely to repeatedly use their Eye of Winter skill.
- Improved the visual effects of Fiery Zealots' Fire Storm skill.
- Adjusted the damaging area of the Executioner's attacks to more closely match the visual effects. The telegraphing for his Guillotine Slam has also been improved.
- Improved the visibility of Cultists Archers' skills. Their Toxic Rain skill also now deals less damage.
- Jamanra, the Risen King's zombie skirt no longer spontaneously explodes on death.
- Mighty Silverfist's Commando Roll skill now deals significantly less damage.
- Reduced how often Azak Stalkers use their Slam skill.
- Walking Goliaths no longer deal damage twice when they fall over. Their slam now deals more damage in the centre, and less around the edges.
- Reduced the distance of which Urnwalkers in the Trial of the Sekhemas are able to initiate their skill. We've also fixed an issue where they were not dealing damage correctly, meaning they now deal more damage.
- Slitherspitters no longer deal damage twice with their projectile attack. Their melee attack now deals Physical damage instead of Chaos.
- The density of monsters in Utzaal has been reduced. Monsters contained in the area are now more likely to be of a weaker variety.
- The density of monsters in Dreadnaught areas has been adjusted to result in less swarming encounters.
- Improved the telegraphing for Azak Shamans' Detonate Dead skill.
- Improved the telegraphing for the crystals left by Vaal Goliaths when they die.
- Chaos Pustules in Ritual encounters have had their visuals improved.
- The Impending Doom modifier in the Trial of Chaos now has more time before it explodes and has had its visuals improved.
- Improved the telegraphing of the anchor drop from monsters affected by Essence of Torment.
- Improved the visuals of the area of effect from monsters affected by Essence of Electricity. The time before the area of effect explodes has also been increased.
- Volatile Plants are now much more noticeable both before and as they're about to explode.
- Elemental explosions caused by minion death or those periodically cast by a Rare Monster have had their visual effects improved. The delay before these explode has also been increased.
- The Aura from the "Prevents Recovery Above 50%" Monster modifier now has a visible radius.
- Energy Shield modifiers on Monsters now provide far more sensible levels of Energy Shield.
- The Shielding Monsters modifier has been reenabled in the Trial of Chaos.
General Changes and Improvements
- Enabled migrating from Solo-Self Found Leagues to their corresponding parent leagues (Standard or Hardcore). This can be done from the League Migrations button on the Character Selection screen.
- Strongboxes have been adjusted to spawn waves of enemies over a much shorter period of time.
- The Strongbox fog effect now fades away once all the waves of enemies have been spawned.
- Significantly increased the chance to encounter Research Strongbox.
- Added a visual effect to distinguish which Monsters have been spawned by a Strongbox.
- The Volcanic Crag, Lightning Storms, Ice Spikes and Chaos Barrage Strongbox modifiers have all been adjusted to activate after a delay.
- Charms now play an effect on your character when they are automatically used.
- Socketables such as Runes can now be overwritten by placing another socketable item into the socket.
- Attempting to Salvage an item now highlights which items in your inventory can be salvaged and displays item sockets.
- Flasks with Quality are now able to be salvaged.
- Armour has been made more effective, by approximately 15%.
- More Monsters are now able to be pushed while dodge rolling. This generally applies to most Monsters smaller than a Skeleton.
- Objects such as Delirium Shards can no longer be pushed by other Monsters.
- Increased the chance for Omens to appear as Ritual Rewards.
- Reduced the chance for items to roll some of the less-desirable item modifiers.
- Distilled Emotions required to instill a Passive Skill onto an Amulet are now only displayed on the Passive Skill Tree after you have picked up your first Distilled Emotion.
- Added an exit portal to the Trialmaster arena.
- Removed the level requirement to access Expedition Vendors.
- Rarity of items in Expedition Vendor shops now increases with shop level, so shops generally have more rare items at higher levels. This doesn't affect existing shops, and you will need to use a reroll currency to generate shops with the improved rarity.
- Reduced visual clutter in many Map areas to improve the visibility of skills and effects.
- Added a tutorial for activating your first persistent buff skill gem.
- Improved and fixed inconsistencies for walkability throughout areas in the campaign as well as maps.
- Improved the loading time of the World Map.
- Reduced the initial player revive time to 2.5 seconds (previously 3 seconds).
- Reduced the player revive time penalty to 1.5 seconds per death (previously 2 seconds).
- Alva now has an option to gamble for items when placed in your Hideout.
- Reviving Minions that died from being out-of-range of you now instead immediately revive near you.
- The Quest Tracker now shows which quests are applicable for the area you're currently in.
- Uncut Gems now show their level on the item label.
- Charms now display their number of charges and when they're active.
- Updated the world Map icons for when you have completed quests, encounters and found items to make it more clear they have been completed.
- Added propogating Weapon Effect options to the Cosmetic Panel UI.
- The Erian's Cobble, Heartbound Loop, Ironride, and Myris Uxor Uniques have received 2D art.
- The Hand of Wisdom and Action Unique has received 3D art.
- Added flavour text for the Edyrn's Tusks and Splinterheart Uniques.
- After activating an Omen of Whittling, hovering over an item before applying a Chaos Orb to it will now display which modifier will be rerolled.
- Improved performance of the Xyclucian, the Chimera boss fight.
- Improved performance of the lava in The Molten Vault.
- Reduced screen clutter and improved performance of the effect that plays when killing rare monster objectives in endgame maps.
- Improved performance of areas with very bright lights that cast many shadows (notably the Temple of Kopec and The Ziggurat Refuge).
- Improved the performance of The Ziggurat Encampment in order to reduce the occurence of unloaded textures.
- Burning Ground can no longer spawn underneath interactables, such as levers.
- Monsters can no longer spawn near the close to the entrance of a map. This often caused the player to be immediately be attacked upon moving.
- Added keyword for Honour Resistance.
- Delirium Monsters are no longer untargetable during their emerge animation, as a result they should no longer push you during this.
- You can now pick up items and interact with some objects while performing other actions.
- The "Attack in place stops movement" option no longer prevents walking on skills that can be used while moving while using WASD movement.
- Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.
Unique Item Changes
- The
Alkem EiraAlkem Eira
Blazon Crest ShieldShield
Chance to Block: 25%
Armour: 10
Energy Shield: 6Grants Skill:Raise Shield(30-40)% increased Block chance
(30-50)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(50-70) to maximum Mana
Damage Blocked is Recouped as ManaMay your resolve never waver.Unique Shield now provides +50-70 to maximum Mana (previously +15-30). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Arvil's WheelArvil's Wheel
Hardwood TargeShield
Chance to Block: 25%
Armour: 10
Evasion: 6Grants Skill:Raise Shield+(40-60) to Maximum Life
+(40-60) to Maximum Mana
(60-100)% increased Armour and Evasion
Lose 1% of Life on Kill
Lose 1% of Mana on Kill
(30-50)% increased Skill Effect DurationThe unending carnage of war
mercilessly grinds away
at body and mind.Unique Shield no longer has 40-60% increased Block chance. It now provides +40-60 to maximum Life and +40-60 to maximum Mana.
- The
Pathfinder CoatEvasion: 78Requires Level 11, 24 Dex+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(10-20) to Strength
+(30-40)% to Fire Resistance
Cannot be Ignited
-10 Physical Damage taken from Attack HitsThe blasted oak stands forever.Unique Body Armour now provides 30-40% to Fire Resistance (previously 20-30%) and 10-20 to Strength.
- The
Asphyxia's WrathAsphyxia's Wrath
Broadhead QuiverAdds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to AttacksAdds (3-4) to (5-8) Cold Damage to Attacks
(5-10)% increased Attack Speed
+(5-10)% to Cold Resistance
Enemies Chilled by your Hits increase damage taken by Chill Magnitude
Attacks Gain (5-10)% of Damage as Extra Cold DamageMist of breath
Icing to lips and throat
As the warm ones choke and fall
Upon the frozen wasteland.Can only be equipped if you are wielding a Bow.Unique Quiver now adds 3-4 to 5-8 Cold Damage to Attacks.
- The
Atsak's SightAtsak's Sight
Veiled MaskEvasion: 58
Energy Shield: 25Requires Level 28, 30 Dex, 30 Int(100-150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(30-40)% increased Critical Hit Chance
+(10-20) to Dexterity
+(10-20) to Intelligence
Critical Hits Poison the enemyRemaining unseen, the Dishonoured Assassin struck
only in the depths of the harshest sandstorms.Unique Helmet now provides 30-40% increased Critical Hit chance (previously 20-40%), and 100-150% increased Evasion and Energy Shield.
- The
Atziri's AcuityAtziri's Acuity
Moulded MittsArmour: 68Requires Level 33, 53 Str(80–100)% increased Armour
(30–50)% increased Critical Hit Chance
+(20–30) to Intelligence
Leech from Critical Hits is instant"The heart is the herald.
It will tell me when it is best to strike."
- Atziri, Queen of the VaalUnique Gloves now provides 30-50% increased Critical Hit chance (previously 20-30%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
The Barrow DwellerThe Barrow Dweller
Rogue ArmourArmour: 53
Evasion: 43Requires Level 11, 14 Str, 14 Dex(60-100)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(-20--10)% to Fire Resistance
+50% to Cold Resistance
Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are on Low Life
50% chance to Avoid Death from HitsIn the mists they dwell,
forever hungry,
forever cold.Unique Body Armour now provides "Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are on Low Life".
- The
Belly of the BeastBelly of the Beast
Explorer ArmourArmour: 114
Evasion: 101Requires Level 33, 39 Str, 39 Dex(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(100-150) to maximum Life
+(100-150) to Stun Threshold
Life Recovery from Flasks is instant
(25-30) to (35-40) Physical Thorns DamageThere is no safer place
Than the Belly of the BeastUnique Body Armour now has 25-30 to 35-40 Physical Thorns Damage.
- The
Birth of FuryBirth of Fury
Stone GreavesArmour: 102Requires Level 33, 57 Str20% increased Movement Speed
+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
Drop Ignited Ground while moving, which lasts 8 seconds and Ignites as though dealing Fire Damage equal to 10% of your maximum LifeAs the sun rises and the light approaches,
so too shall your enemies fear you.Unique Boots now provide 20% increased Movement Speed (previously 15%), and 20-30% to Fire Resistance (previously 10-20%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
The Black DoubtThe Black Doubt
Hexer's RobeEnergy Shield: 44
Movement Speed: -3%Requires Level 11, 24 Int(60-100)% increased Energy Shield
+(10-30) to Intelligence
+(10-20)% to Cold Resistance
Damage over Time bypasses Energy Shield
While not on Full Life, Sacrifice 10% of Mana per Second to Recover that much LifeSuspicion is a sinister shadow slithering in the soul.Unique Body Armour now provides 10-20% to Cold Resistance.
- The
Fur PlateArmour: 60Requires 10 Str+(40-60) to Armour
+(5-15) to Strength
+(5-15) to Intelligence
+10% to all Elemental Resistances
+(40-60) to Stun Threshold
Armour applies to Elemental DamageAn Ezomyte endures.Unique Body Armour now provides +40-60 to Armour, and +10% to Elemental Resistances.
- The
Fire QuiverRequires Level 8Adds 3 to 5 Fire Damage to AttacksAdds (3-5) to (6-9) Fire Damage to Attacks
+(30–50) to maximum Mana
50% increased chance to Ignite
Projectiles Pierce all Ignited enemies
Attacks Gain (5–10)% of Damage as Extra Fire DamageMolten feathers, veiled spark,
Hissing arrows from the dark.Can only be equipped if you are wielding a Bow.Unique Quiver now adds 3-5 to 6-9 Fire Damage to Attacks.
- The
Iron RingAdds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks(3–6) Life Regeneration per second
Adds (4–6) to (8–10) Chaos Damage to Attacks
25% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on HitFear is highly infectious.Unique Ring now adds 4-6 to 8-10 Chaos Damage to Attacks (previously 2-3 to 4-5). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
The Blood ThornThe Blood Thorn
Wrapped QuarterstaffQuartertaff
Physical Damage: 7-12
Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40Adds (8-12) to (16-18) Physical Damage
+(10-15) to Strength
Causes Bleeding on Hit
(4-5) to (8-10) Physical Thorns damageTouch not the thorn, for only blood and pain await.Unique Quarterstaff now adds 8-12 to 16-18 Physical Damage (previously 3-5 to 9-11). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Blueflame BracersBlueflame Bracers
Goldcast CuffsArmour: 37
Energy Shield: 14Requires Level 33, 30 Str, 30 Int+20 to maximum Energy Shield
+(10-20) to Intelligence
+(5-15)% to Fire Resistance
+(5-15)% to Cold Resistance
100% of Fire Damage Converted to Cold DamageThe secret was lost with its maker.Unique Gloves now provide +20 to maximum Energy Shield.
- The
Bones of UllrBones of Ullr
Lattice SandalsEnergy Shield: 25Requires Level 16, 29 Int(40-60)% increased Energy Shield
+(20-40) to maximum Life
+(20-40) to maximum Mana
Undead Minions have 20% reduced ReservationThe dead man walks where
the living fear to tread.Unique Boots now provide +20-40 to Maximum Life and maximum Mana (both previously +25). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Brain RattlerBrain Rattler
Studded GreatclubTwo Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 32-48
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.10Requires Level 16, 38 StrAdds (18-22) to (24-28) Physical Damage
Adds 1 to (50-55) Lightning Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
All damage with this Weapon causes Electrocution buildupThe mind may have no limits, but the skull sure does.Unique Mace now adds 18-22 to 24-28 Physical Damage (previously 10-12 to 18-22), and adds 1 to 50-55 Lightning Damage (previously 1 to 36-42). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Rusted CuirassArmour: 45+(60-100) to maximum Life
+(60-100) to Stun Threshold
Cannot Evade Enemy Attacks
250% of Melee Physical Damage taken reflected to Attacker
Regenerate 5% of Life per second while SurroundedIt is safer to be feared than to be loved.Unique Body Armour now provides +60-100 to maximum Life (previously +50-80), Cannot Evade and Regenerate 5% of Life per second while Surrounded
- The
The Brass DomeThe Brass Dome
Champion CuirassArmour: 335Requires Level 58, 120 Str(400-500)% increased Armour
(-5–-1)% to all Maximum Elemental Resistances
+(200-300) to Stun Threshold
Take no Extra Damage from Critical HitsThe turtle's shell one day becomes its tomb.Unique Body Armour now has 400-500% increased Armour (previously 300-400%) and -5 to -1 to all Maximum Elemental Resistances (previously -5%). Existing versions of this Unique can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Laced BootsEvasion: 38Requires Level 11, 20 Dex(10–20)% increased Movement Speed
+(40–60) to maximum Life
+(60–80) to Stun Threshold
+25% to Thorns Critical Hit Chance
(10-15) to (20-25) Physical Thorns damageThe druids walk the Grelwood without fear.Unique Boots now provide 10-15 to 20-25 Physical Thorns damage.
- The
Rhoahide CoatEvasion: 131Requires Level 22, 47 Dex(60-100)% increased Evasion Rating
(40-60)% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
(40-60)% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
+(20-30) to Dexterity
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance"I carry neither food nor drink. I rely on the charity
of my fellow wayfarers. Dead men are generous men."
- Taruk of the WildmenUnique Body Armour now has 60-100% increased Evasion.
- The
Leather VestEvasion: 3050% reduced Evasion Rating
+(40-60) to Maximum Life
(3-5) Life Regeneration per second
Gain 5 Rage when Hit by an Enemy
Gain 10 Rage when Critically Hit by an EnemyWhen cornered and desperate, look within for the rage to break loose.Unique Body Armour now has 50% reduced Evasion Rating (previously 40-80% increased), and now causes you to gain 5 Rage when Hit by an Enemy (previously 3). It also now provides 3-5 Life Regeneration per Second.
- The
Horned CrownArmour: 33
Energy Shield: 15Requires Level 10, 12 Str, 12 Int10% reduced Movement Speed
(50–100)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+100 to maximum Life
(35–50)% reduced Effect of Chill on you
(35–50)% reduced Effect of Ignite on you
(35–50)% reduced Effect of Shock on youHeavy is the head.Unique Helmet now provides +100 to maximum Life (previously +40-60). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Wide BeltRequires Level 14(20-30)% increased Flask Charges Gained
Charm Slots: 1+(40-60) to Maximum Mana
+(30–40)% Lightning Resistance
(7–12) Life Regeneration per second
Cannot be ShockedThe Brinerot sail without fear of storms.Unique Belt now provides 30-40% increased Lightning Resistance (previously 20-30%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Brynhand's MarkBrynhand's Mark
Wooden ClubOne Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 6-10
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.45Adds (10-14) to (16-20) Physical Damage
+(30-50) to Accuracy Rating
+(10-20) to Strength
Causes Double Stun BuildupThe mark of the smith was widely known.Unique Mace now has 10-14 to 16-20 added Physical Damage (previously 3-4 to 6-8), +10-20 to Strength (previously +5-10), and now has 20% reduced Attack Speed.
The BurrowerThe Burrower
Topaz RingRequires Level 32+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance-10% to Cold Resistance
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
(30-50)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Lightning Damage of Enemies Hitting you is UnluckyIt coils deeper and deeper
It slithers between thoughts
It lies beneath the valley
It lies in our mindsUnique Ring now has -10% to Cold Resistance (previously -15 to -10%), and 30-50% increased Mana Regeneration Rate (previously 25-35%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Sombre GlovesEnergy Shield: 15Requires Level 12, 20 Int(50-80)% increased Energy Shield
(20-40)% increased Fire Damage
(10-20)% reduced Cold Damage
+(20-40)% to Fire Resistance
-(10-20)% to Cold Resistance
Chance to Ignite is doubledYou can be the wick or the wax. Either way, your light goes out and mine goes on.Unique Gloves now provides 20-40% to Fire Resistance (previously 15-30%), and -10 to -20% to Cold Resistance (previously -15 to -30%). It also now provides 20-40% increased Fire Damage and 10-20% reduced Cold Damage.
- The
Carrion CallCarrion Call
Engraved FocusFocus
Energy Shield: 21Requires Level 16, 30 Int+(30-40) to maximum Energy Shield
Minions have (20-30)% increased Maximum Life
(20-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Minions deal (20-30)% increased Damage
Minion's Resistances are equal to yoursObedience stretches beyond the grave.Unique Focus now causes Minions to have 20-30% increased Damage.
- The
Chober ChaberChober Chaber
Leaden GreathammerTwo Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 58-78
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.10Requires Level 33, 76 Str+100 Intelligence Requirement
Adds (58-65) to (102-110) Physical Damage
+(80–100) to maximum Mana
+50 to Spirit
Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect youThe faithful may continue to serve, even after death.Unique Mace no longer has 80-120% increased Physical Damage or +5% Critical Hit Chance, it instead adds 58-65 to 102-110 Physical Damage and +50 to Spirit.
- The
Corona of the Red SunCorona of the Red Sun
Warrior GreathelmArmour: 146Requires Level 36, 66 Str+(100–150) to Accuracy Rating
+(60–80) to maximum Life
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
25% increased Light Radius
When you Leech Life from a Hit, Allies in your Presence also Leech the same amount of LifeComing soonUnique Helmet now provides 20-25% to Fire Resistance.
- The
Crown of the Pale KingCrown of the Pale King
Cultist CrownArmour: 44
Energy Shield: 19Requires Level 16, 18 Str, 18 Int(50–100)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(40–80) to maximum Life
10% increased Rarity of Items found
(10-15) to (20-25) Physical Thorns damage
Thorns damage is triggered by all HitsA lightless world
a silent reign
two sightless eyes
feed on your pain.Unique Helmet now provides 10-15 to 20-25 Physical Thorns damage.
The Dancing MirageThe Dancing Mirage
Wayfarer JacketEvasion: 88
Energy Shield: 39Requires Level 28, 33 Dex, 33 Int(150-200)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(10-20)% to Lightning Resistance
20% less Damage taken if you have not been Hit Recently
100% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit RecentlyBe not where death falls.Unique Body Armour now has 150-200% increased Evasion and Energy Shield (previously 60-100%). Existing versions of this item can be updated with a Divine Orb.
The Dark DefilerThe Dark Defiler
Rattling SceptreSceptre
Spirit: 100Grants Skill: Level (1-20) Skeletal Warrior+(20-30) to maximum Mana
+(5-10) to Intelligance
(10-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Gain 5% of Damage as Chaos Damage per Undead MinionRare is the Necromancer who leads his undead armies from the front.Unique Sceptre now has "Gain 5% of Damage as Chaos Damage per Undead Minion" (previously 3%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Doubled GauntletsArmour: 37
Evasion: 33Requires Level 33, 30 Str, 30 Dex(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
(5-10)% increased Attack Speed
Gain (20-30) Life per Enemy Killed
Gain (20-30) Mana per Enemy Killed
Culling StrikeAnticipation is a gift.Unique Gloves now provide 5-10% increased Attack Speed.
- The
Defiance of DestinyDefiance of Destiny
Jade AmuletRequires Level 8+(10-15) to Dexterity(6-10)% increased maximum Life
+(10-20) to Strength
(25-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Recover 10% of Missing Life before being Hit by an EnemyThe respect of Karui warriors is hard to earn,
but lasts a lifetime... and beyond.Unique Amulet now causes you to recover 10% of Missing Life before being Hit by an Enemy (previously 5%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Elite GreathelmArmour: 136Requires Level 33, 61 Str(60-100)% increased Armour
+(10-20) Strength
(20-30)% increased Warcry Speed
Corpses in your Presence Explode when you Warcry, dealing 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
Warcry Skills have (20-30)% increased Area of EffectMay you never hear it toll.Unique Helmet now provides +10-20 to Strength.
The Devouring DiademThe Devouring Diadem
Wicker TiaraEnergy Shield: 28Requires Level 10, 20 Int(60-100)% increased Energy Shield
+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(10-20) to Intelligence
+(13-19)% to Chaos Resistance
Every 3 seconds, Consume a nearby Corpse to Recover 20% of LifeThe spirit hungers for the flesh.Unique Helmet now provides +40-60 to maximum Life.
- The
Splintered Tower ShieldShield
Chance to Block: 26%
Armour: 18Grants Skill:Raise Shield(60-80)% increased Armour
+(10-15) to Strength
(3-5) Life Regeneration per Second
20% reduced Stun Threshold
Double Stun Threshold while Shield is RaisedPraetor Draven knew his only chance to subjugate
the Ezomytes was to catch them unaware.Unique Shield now provides 20% reduced Stun Threshold (previously 30%), and now provides 3-5 Life Regeneration per Second.
- The
Doedre's TenureDoedre's Tenure
Stitched GlovesEnergy Shield: 17Requires Level 16, 27 Int+(20-30) to maximum Energy Shield
100% increased Spell Damage
(25-15)% reduced Cast Speed
+(10-15) to IntelligenceWhile Doedre lacked Maligaro's sense of style,
she surpassed her master in pure malevolence.Unique Gloves now provide 20-30 to maximum Energy Shield.
- The
Braced Tower ShieldShield
Chance to Block: 26%
Armour: 45Requires Level 12, 23 StrGrants Skill:Raise Shield80% increased Block chance
(100-150)% increased Armour
+(13-17)% to Chaos Resistance
You take 20% of damage from Blocked hits
Enemies are Culled on BlockWelcome to Wraeclast.Unique Shield now provides 13-17% to Chaos Resistance.
- The
Edyrn's TusksEdyrn's Tusks
Iron CuirassArmour: 96Requires Level 11, 24 Str(120-160)% increased Armour
50% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit
50% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
(15-20) to (25-30) Physical Thorns damageIn death, the legendary boar's tusks were turned
to the slaying of Phaaryl's Eternal oppressors.Unique Body Armour now has 50% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit (previously 10%).
- The
Hunter HoodEvasion: 121Requires Level 33, 61 Dex(50–80)% increased Evasion Rating
+(20–30) to Dexterity
Charms gain 0.5 charges per Second
+1 Charm SlotAncient worshippers of the Greatwolf were overtaken by a ravenous hunger for all things mystical.Unique Helmet now provides +20-30 to Dexterity (previously 10-20), and now provides +1 Charm slot.
- The
Erian's CobbleErian's Cobble
Guarded HelmArmour: 34
Evasion: 28Requires Level 11, 13 Str, 13 Dex+(0-40) to Armour
+(0-30) to Evasion Rating
+(0-20) to maximum Energy Shield
+(0-60) to Accuracy Rating
+(0-30) to maximum Life
+(0-20) to maximum Mana
(0-20)% increased Rarity of Items found
(0-30)% increased Critical Hit Chance
+(0-10) to Strength
+(0-10) to Dexterity
+(0-10) to Intelligence
+(0-10)% to Fire Resistance
+(0-10)% to Cold Resistance
+(0-10)% to Lightning Resistance
(0-6) Life Regeneration per secondSometimes patching up your
equipment gets out of hand.Unique Helmet now provides +0-40 to Armour (previously +0-20), +0-30 to Evasion Rating and maximum Life (both previously +0-15), and +0-20 to maximum Energy Shield and maximum Mana (both previously +0-10). It now provides 0-10% to Fire Resistance, Cold Resistance, and Lightning Resistance (all previously 0-5%), 0-6 Life Regeneration per Second (previously 0-3), 0-60 to Accuracy Rating (previously 0-30), and +0-10 to Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence (all previously +0-5). In addition to the above, it also now provides 0-30% increased Critical Hit Chance (previously 0-15%), and 0-20% increased Rarity of Items found (previously 0-10%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
The Eternal SparkThe Eternal Spark
Crystal FocusFocus
Energy Shield: 28Requires Level 26, 49 Int(50-70)% increased Energy Shield
+5% to Maximum Lightning Resistance
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
40% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
40% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while stationaryA flash of blue, a stormcloud's kiss,
her motionless dance the pulse of blissUnique Focus now provides 40% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while stationary (previously 50%), and now also provides 40% increased Mana Regeneration Rate.
- The
Ezomyte PeakEzomyte Peak
Soldier GreathelmArmour: 66Requires Level 12, 23 Str(50-100)% increased Armour
+(50-80) to maximum Life
(3-6) Life Regeneration per second
(10-20)% increased Area of Effect
Unwavering StanceCenturies of servitude, a day
of glory, an eternity of death.Unique Helmet now provides +50-80 to maximum Life (previously 30-50), and also now provides 3-6 Life Regeneration per Second.
- The
Feathered FortressFeathered Fortress
Crescent TargeShield
Chance to Block: 25%
Armour: 39
Evasion: 34Requires Level 26, 27 Str, 27 DexGrants Skill:Raise Shield+(20-30) to Strength
+(20-30) to Dexterity
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
No Movement speed penalty while shield is raisedRide the western wind, and take flight.Unique Shield now provides 20-30% to Fire Resistance and Cold Resistance (both previously 10-20%), and +20-30 to Strength and Dexterity (both previously +10-20). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Forbidden GazeForbidden Gaze
Chain TiaraEnergy Shield: 44Requires Level 26, 49 Int(60-100)% increased Energy Shield
+(3-5)% to Maximum Cold Resistance
+(30-50)% to Cold Resistance
25% reduced Light RadiusKeep your heart as ice,
lest your passions stir.Unique Helmet now provides 30-50% to Cold Resistance (previously 25-35%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Slim MaceOne Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 11-17
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.55Requires Level 10, 25 StrAdds (8–12) to (16–20) Physical Damage
Adds (8–12) to (16–20) Cold Damage
+5% to Critical Hit Chance
All Damage from Hits with this Weapon Contributes to Freeze Buildup
Culling Strike against Frozen EnemiesA merciful murderer swept through the streets of Sarn
Robbing breath from the weak and worthless.Unique Mace now has 8-12 to 16-20 added Physical Damage and Cold Damage (both previously 4-6 to 8-12). It now also provides +5% to Critical Hit Chance.
- The
Embossed BootsEvasion: 50Requires Level 16, 29 Dex(100-140)% increased Evasion Rating
(10-15)% increased Rarity of Items found
+(10-15) to Dexterity
+(15-25)% to Lightning Resistance
Gain 0% to 40% increased Movement Speed at random when Hit, until Hit againAll your tomorrows lie ahead of you,
unknown and snarled to the very last.Unique Boots now provide 15-25% to Lightning Resistance (previously 5-15%), and now provide 10-15% increased Item Rarity.
- The
Rope CuffsArmour: 12
Energy Shield: 6Requires Level 5(40-60)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(10-15)% to Cold Resistance
Gain (7-10) Life per Enemy Killed
Gain (4-6) Mana per Enemy Killed
Enemies killed by anyone in your Presence count as being killed by you insteadTry as you like to hide the
blood on your hands.
You'll still know the truth.Unique Gloves now provides 10-15% to Cold Resistance.
- The
Grip of WinterGrip of Winter
Firm BracersEvasion: 26Requires Level 11, 19 Dex(30-50)% increased Evasion Rating
Adds (3-5) to (6-8) Cold Damage to Attacks
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
(40-50)% increased Freeze Buildup
(20-30)% increased Magnitude of Chill you inflictAfter the eruption, the skies turned grey,
ash began ot fall, and a chill set in...Unique Gloves now provides 20-30% to Cold Resistance.
- The
Waxed JacketEvasion: 43
Energy Shield: 24Requires Level 11, 14 Dex, 14 Int(100-150)% increased Evasion Rating
+(10-20) to Dexterity
+(10-20)% to Fire Resistance
20% reduced Light Radius
You have a Smoke Cloud around you while stationaryIt was in this forsaken land, where mists shroud the world in mystery,
that thieves, murderers, and outcasts, sought refuge.Unique Body Armour now provides 10-20% to Fire Resistance.
- The
Felled GreatclubTwo Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 13-18
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.10Adds (16-20) to (23-27) Physical Damage
+15% to Critical Hit Chance
10% reduced Attack Speed
+10 to Strength
Maim on Critical HitThere was a very clear and delicious
reason why the Ezomytes chose to
stop their flight and settle in Phaaryl.Unique Mace no longer has 100-150% increased Physical Damage. Instead, it now adds 16-20 to 23-27 Physical Damage.
The Hollow MaskThe Hollow Mask
Hewn MaskEvasion: 18
Energy Shield: 12Requires Level 5+(60-80) to maximum Life
15% additional Physical Damage Reduction
-10% to all Elemental Resistances
+13% to Chaos ResistanceThe roots take hold within...Unique Helmet now provides 13% to Chaos Resistance.
- The
Horns of ByndenHorns of Bynden
Rusted GreathelmArmour: 29+20 to Armour
(5-15)% increased Rarity of Items found
+(20-30) to Strength
Gain 1 Rage on Melee Hit
Every Rage also grants 1% increased ArmourThe Younger Brother waded into Battle, shrugging off Blows.Unique Helmet now provides +20 to Armour.
- The
Hrimnor's HymnHrimnor's Hymn
Oak GreathammerTwo Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 14-26
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.05Requires Level 4, 11 StrCauses (30–50)% increased Stun Buildup(80–120)% increased Physical Damage
+(10–15) to Strength
Gain (10–20) Life per Enemy Killed
Slam Skills you use yourself cause Aftershocks"The crack of bone, the spray of blood.
Is there sweeter music?"
- Hrimnor of the Ezomytes.Unique Mace now has 80-120% increased Physical Damage (previously 60-80%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Husk of DreamsHusk of Dreams
Shaman MantleArmour: 100
Energy Shield: 39Requires Level 28, 33 Str, 33 Int(100-150)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
-10% to Fire Resistance
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
(20-30)% increased Flask Charges used
50% chance for Flasks you use to not consume ChargesYes... but what if?Unique Body Armour now provides 17-23% to Chaos Resistance (previously 13-17%), and 20-30% increased Flask Charges used (previously 25-50%). Existing versions of this item can be updated with a Divine Orb.
- The Immortan Unique Body Armour has been renamed to
The Road WarriorThe Road Warrior
Raider PlateArmour: 121Requires Level 16, 34 Str+(10-15) to all Attributes
+(15-30)% to Fire Resistance
+(15-30)% to Lightning Resistance
(10-15) Life Regeneration per second
Moving while Bleeding doesn't cause you to take extra damageThat most legendary caravan bandit had
one rule: never let them see you flinch.. It no longer provides 50-100% increased Armour, and now provides 15-30% to Fire Resistance and Lightning Resistance (both previously 15-25%). It also now provides 10-15 Life Regenerated per Second, and +10-15 to all Attributes.
- The
Plate BeltRequires Level 24+(100-140) to Armour
Charm Slots: 1+(100-150) to Armour
+(10–20) to Strength
+(3-5)% to Maximum Fire Resistance
+(30-50)% to Fire ResistanceTempered by the forbidden flame.Unique Belt now provides 30-50% to Fire Resistance (previously 25-35%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
The Infinite PursuitThe Infinite Pursuit
Bronze GreavesArmour: 60Requires Level 16, 29 Str10% increased Movement Speed
(100-150)% increased Armour
+(80-100) to maxium Life
(80-100)% increased Chance to be afflicted by Ailments when Hit
25% increased Movement Speed while affected by an AilmentWe move to be closer to her, but the distance yet grows.Unique Boots now provide 25% increased Movement Speed while affected by an Ailment (previously 20%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Shabby HoodEvasion: 19+(20-30) to Evasion Rating
25% reduced maximum Mana
+(10-20)% to Cold Resistance
+(13-19)% to Chaos Resistance
100% increased Mana Regeneration RateBeyond madness lies inspiration.Unique Helmet now provides +20-30 to Evasion Rating.
- The
Vagabond ArmourArmour: 67
Evasion: 56Requires Level 16, 20 Str, 20 Dex(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(20-30) to Strength
+(100-150) to Stun Threshold
Iron Grip
Iron WillA power unknown aids your own.Unique Body Armour now provides +20-30 to Strength.
- The
Visored HelmArmour: 44
Evasion: 37Requires Level 16, 18 Str, 18 Dex(60-80)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(30-50) to maximum Life
+(30-50) to maximum Mana
+(10-15)% to Lightning Resistance
You have no Accuracy Penalty at DistanceLet the rider's aim be true.Unique Helmet now provides +30-50 to maximum Life.
- The
Ringmail GauntletsArmour: 13
Evasion: 10Requires Level 650% increased Armour and Evasion
Adds (2-3) to (5-6) Physical Damage to Attacks
+(30-50) to maximum Life
(4-8)% increased Attack Speed
Strength can satisfy other Attribute Requirements of Melee Weapons and Melee SkillsThe whispers of the old gods hum through the iron. They demand a hero.Unique Gloves now have 50% increased Armour and Evasion.
- The
Linen Belt(20-30)% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
Charm Slots: 1(-25–25)% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
(-25–25)% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate
Life Flasks gain 0.25 charges per Second
Mana Flasks gain 0.25 charges per SecondBelow all living things,
there exists a flow...Unique Belt now has Life Flasks gain 0.25 charges per Second and Mana Flasks gain 0.25 charges per Second (both previously 0-0.25 charges per Second). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Linen WrapsEvasion: 18
Energy Shield: 9Requires Level 16, 15 Dex, 15 Int(30-60)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(30-50) to maximum Life
(20-30)% increased Critical Damage Bonus
Life Flasks do not recover Life
On-Kill Effects happen twice"Stitches? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?"
- Jeffry, Torturer's ApprenticeUnique Gloves now provides 20-30% increased Critical Damage.
The Knight-errantThe Knight-errant
Mail SabatonsArmour: 19
Evasion: 15Requires Level 610% increased Movement Speed
(30–50)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(30–50) to Stun Threshold
+(30-50) to Ailment Threshold
Iron ReflexesSome search forever for their path.Unique Boots now provides +30-50 to Elemental Ailment Threshold.
- The
Leer CastLeer Cast
Hooded MaskEvasion: 37
Energy Shield: 19Requires Level 16, 18 Dex, 18 Int+(30–50) to maximum Life
+(30–50) to maximum Mana
Allies in your Presence deal 50% increased Damage
+(10-20) to Dexterity
25% reduced DamageFor none of us are as cruel as all of us.Unique Helmet now provides +10-20 to Dexterity.
- The
Rough GreavesArmour: 22+(50-70) to Armour
+(50-70) to Stun Threshold
-10 Damage taken from Projectile Attacks
+10% to Block ChanceA wall of steel and muscle.Unique Boots now provides +50-70 to Armour instead of 50-80% increased Armour. They also now provide +50-70 to Stun Threshold (previously +30-50).
- The
Lochtonial CaressLochtonial Caress
Tempered MittsArmour: 40Requires Level 16, 27 Str(10-15)% increased Skill Speed
+(15-25) to Armour
+(40-60) to maximum Life
(10-15)% reduced maximum Mana
Share Charges with Allies in your PresenceWhy cling to your sanity? It offers you nothing.
Surrender to me, and I will grant you everything.Unique Gloves now provides +15-25 to Armour.
- The
Luminous PaceLuminous Pace
Straw SandalsEnergy Shield: 1410% increased Movement Speed
+(20-30) to maximum Energy Shield
+(5–10) to Intelligence
(20–30)% reduced Energy Shield Recharge Rate
100% faster start of Energy Shield RechargeBlessed are those who tend the Grove.Unique Boots now provides +20-30 to maximum Energy Shield.
- The
Rampart Tower ShieldShield
Chance to Block: 26%
Armour: 75Requires Level 28, 52 StrGrants Skill:Raise Shield(30-40)% increased Block chance
(60-100)% increased Armour
Accuracy Rating is doubled
Blocking damage poisons the enemy as though dealing 200 base Chaos damageA true predator does not chase; It waits.Unique Shield now has "Blocking Damage Poisons the Enemy as though dealing 200 Base Chaos Damage" (previously 100). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Mask of the SanguimancerMask of the Sanguimancer
Face MaskEvasion: 26
Energy Shield: 15Requires Level 10, 12 Dex, 12 Int+(20-25) to Evasion Rating
+(10-15) to maximum Energy Shield
(20-40)% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells
+(10-20) to Strength
+(10-20) to Intelligence
Blood MagicA terror of ancient times, his identity
remains lost... but his power does provides +20-25 to Evasion Rating, and +10-15 to maximum Energy Shield.
- The
Crescent QuarterstaffQuartertaff
Physical Damage: 19-39
Elemental Damage: 6-15, 1-29
Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.50Requires Level 20, 37 Dex, 16 IntAdds (6-9) to (10-15) Cold Damage
Adds 1 to (19-29) Lightning Damage
+(3–5)% to Critical Hit Chance
(15-20)% increased Attack Speed
(25-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Skills reserve 50% less SpiritIn our tales, and in our hearts, the rivers still flow.Unique Quarterstaff now has 6-9 to 10-15 added Cold Damage, and 1 to 19-29 Lightning Damage.
- The
Mist WhisperMist Whisper
Makeshift CrossbowCrossbow
Physical Damage: 6-10
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.60Adds (8-10) to (13-15) Cold Damage
Gain 5 Mana per Enemy Killed
(30-50)% increased Freeze Buildup
30% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Attacks Chain 1-2 additional timesSibilant promises surrounded them in the night.
All the travelers had to give him was their devotion...Unique Crossbow now has 8-10 to 13-15 added Cold Damage (previously 4-6 to 9-12), and now provides 30% increased Chill Duration on Enemies.
- The
Nazir's JudgementNazir's Judgement
Steelpoint QuarterstaffQuartertaff
Physical Damage: 28-51
Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40Requires Level 28, 51 Dex, 22 IntAdds (30-36) to (75-81) Physical Damage
+(50–100) to Accuracy Rating
(10–20)% increased Stun Duration
Causes Daze buildup equal to 100% of Damage dealtThe first witch hunter knew one critical tactic: never let your enemy have a clear moment.Unique Quarterstaff no longer has 80-120% increased Physical Damage, and instead adds 30-36 to 75-81 Physical Damage.
- The
Bone RaimentEnergy Shield: 52Requires Level 16, 34 Int+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(30-50) to maximum Mana
Minions have +(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Minions gain (20-30)% of their Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
Minions Revive 50% fasterFueled by the blackness in the hearts of men,
the armies of Saresh were just as relentless.Unique Body Armour now causes Minions to have 17-23% Chaos Resistance.
- The
Suede BracersEvasion: 6+(15-25) to Evasion Rating
Adds (3-5) to (8-10) Physical Damage to Attacks
(20-30)% increased Critical Damage Bonus
Base Critical Hit Chance for Attacks with Weapons is 8%Fight with the ferocity of the First Ones.Unique Gloves now adds 3-5 to 8-10 Physical Damage to Attacks (previously 2-3 to 5-6), and also now has +15-25 to Evasion Rating.
- The
Original SinOriginal Sin
Amethyst RingRequires Level 20+(7-13)% to Chaos Resistance+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
100% of Elemental Damage Converted to Chaos DamageInnocence rose to godhood not on inspired faith,
but on the vilification and hatred of another.Unique Ring no longer has "Chaos Resistance is Zero", and instead now provides 17-23% to Chaos Resistance.
- The
Painter's ServantPainter's Servant
Torn GlovesEnergy Shield: 933% of Elemental Damage Converted to Cold Damage
33% of Elemental Damage Converted to Fire Damage
33% of Elemental Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Gain (5-10)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Gain (5-10)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain (5-10)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Lightning DamageBloodshed on the crimson shores,
longing for the endless sea.
Treasures, life, I'd give it all
just to capture thee.Unique Gloves no longer provides 5-10% to Fire, Cold or Lightning Resistance. They instead now provide 5-10% Elemental Damage gained as Fire Damage, 5-10% Elemental Damage gained as Cold Damage, and 5-10% Elemental Damage gained as Lightning Damage.
- The
Pariah's EmbracePariah's Embrace
Cloaked MailArmour: 95
Evasion: 83Requires Level 26, 31 Str, 31 Dex(50-80)% increased Armour and Evasion
+50 to Spirit
+(10-15) to all Attributes
(10-15) Life Regeneration per second
20% reduced Mana Cost of SkillsHis isolation caused him to treasure
their companionship all the more.Unique Body Armour now provides +10-15 to all Attributes.
- The
Gauze WrapsEvasion: 6
Energy Shield: 4(30-50)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(4-6)% increased Attack Speed
(20-30)% chance to Poison on Hit
All Damage from Hits Contributes to Poison MagnitudeUlcers, scabs, and pocks, the third army makes its claim.Unique Gloves now provides 20-30% chance to Poison on Hit (previously 5-10%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Hunting ShoesEvasion: 50
Energy Shield: 21Requires Level 33, 32 Dex, 32 Int(10–15)% increased Movement Speed
(60–80)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(10–20) to Intelligence
+1 to Maximum Power Charges
+12% to Critical Damage Bonus per Power ChargeThe combat stance used by Vaal nobles
was as elegant as it was deadly.Unique Boots now provides +12% to Critical Damage Bonus per Power Charge (previously +8%)
- The
Prayers for RainPrayers for Rain
Keth RaimentEnergy Shield: 70Requires Level 28, 59 Int(60-100)% increased Energy Shield
+(10-15) to Intelligence
+(10-20)% to Lightning Resistance
30% slower start of Energy Shield Recharge
Energy Shield Recharge is not interrupted by Damage if Recharge began RecentlyIn its final era, the roofs of Keth were rife with
anything and everything that could hold water...
should the opportunity arise.Unique Body Armour now provides 10-20% to Lightning Resistance.
- The
Quatl's MoltQuatl's Molt
Serpentscale CoatEvasion: 198Requires Level 36, 75 Dex(60-80)% increased Evasion Rating
+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
(10-20) Life Regeneration per second
Cannot be PoisonedAs the serpent wills.Unique Body Armour now provides +60-80 to maximum Life (previously +30-50), and also now provides 60-80% increased Evasion Rating.
- The
Crumbling MaulTwo Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 62-75
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.10Requires Level 38, 88 StrCauses Enemies to Explode on Critical Kill for 10% of their Life as Physical Damage(100–150)% increased Physical Damage
+(10–15) to all Attributes
Gain 30 Life per Enemy Killed
This Weapon's Critical Hit Chance is 100%
Critical Hits do not deal extra Damage"The finest prosperity grows from the direst
carnage. Such is the nature of progress."
- Doryani of the VaalUnique Mace now has 100-150% increased Physical Damage (previously 80-120%).
- The
Seeing StarsSeeing Stars
Plated MaceOne Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 18-38
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40Requires Level 26, 61 StrAdds (12-16) to (22-25) Cold Damage
Adds 1 to (40-45) Lightning Damage
(10–20)% increased Attack Speed
Energy Generation is doubledWithin lies a window.Unique Mace now adds 12-16 to 22-25 Cold Damage (previously 9-12 to 18-22), and now adds 1 to 40-45 Lightning Damage (previously 1 to 30-35). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
The SentryThe Sentry
Gothic QuarterstaffQuartertaff
Elemental Damage: 25-50
Critical Strike Chance: 11.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.40Requires Level 11, 22 Dex, 11 IntNo Physical Damage
Adds (25-32) to (40-50) Fire Damage
+(30-50) to Accuracy Rating
+20% to Fire Resistance
100% increased chance to Ignite
30% increased Light RadiusThe night Draven attacked,
Erian was asleep at his post.Unique Quarterstaff now has 25-32 to 40-50 added Fire Damage (previously 8-2 to 16-20). It now has no Physical Damage, and adds +30-50 to Accuracy Rating.
- The
Sierran InheritanceSierran Inheritance
Marabout GarbEvasion: 56
Energy Shield: 28Requires Level 16, 20 Dex, 20 Int(50-80)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
-15% to Cold Resistance
+(30-40)% to Lightning Resistance
(30-50)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
The Effect of Chill on you is reversedBorn among the high peaks, many Mutewind
live their entire lives in snow and ice.Unique Body Armour now provides 30-40% to Lightning Resistance (previously 15-25%), and now has -15% to Cold Resistance.
The Smiling KnightThe Smiling Knight
Cowled HelmArmour: 62
Evasion: 54Requires Level 26, 27 Str, 27 Dex(150-200)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(50-100) to Accuracy Rating
(15-25)% increased Critical Hit Chance
Aggravate Bleeding on targets you Critically Hit with AttacksComing soonUnique Helmet now provides 150-200% increased Armour and Evasion (previously 30-50%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Spined BracersEvasion: 60Requires Level 33, 53 Dex(40-60)% increased Evasion Rating
+(7-17)% to Chaos Resistance
(6-10) Life Regeneration per second
(20-30)% chance to Poison on Hit
Targets can be affected by +1 of your Poisons at the same timeAs the serpent shuns thought,
It shuns fear.
It strikes with the speed of wrath
And the skill of compulsion.Unique Gloves now provides 20-30% chance to Poison on Hit (previously 20%), and also now provides 6-10 Life Regenerated per Second.
- The
Recurve BowBow
Physical Damage: 15-31
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.10Requires Level 16, 38 Dex(120–160)% increased Physical Damage
+(50–70) to Accuracy Rating
(20–30)% increased Projectile Speed
Projectiles Split towards +2 targetsThe forests of the Vastiri held many secrets
mystical and dark. Men learned not to wander,
lest they return with a strange new purpose.Unique Bow now has 120-160% increased Physical Damage (previously 60-80%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Tetzlapokal's DesireTetzlapokal's Desire
Votive RaimentEnergy Shield: 78Requires Level 33, 68 Int(100-150)% increased Energy Shield
+(20-30) to Strength
+(20-30) to Intelligence
+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance
Life RechargesA faith born of flesh.Unique Body Armour now provides +20-30 to Intelligence.
- The
Steeltoe BootsEvasion: 79Requires Level 28, 49 Dex(10-20)% increased Movement Speed
(40-60)% increased Evasion Rating
+(3-5)% to Maximum Lightning Resistance
+(30-50)% to increased Lightning ResistanceWhere legends tread,
the world hearkens.Unique Boots now provide 10-20% increased Movement Speed (previously 10-15%), and 30-50% to Lightning Resistance (previously 25-35%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Titanrot CataphractTitanrot Cataphract
Maraketh CuirassArmour: 141Requires Level 20, 42 Str+(400-500)% increased Armour
+(15-30)% increased Strength
10% reduced Dexterity
10% reduced Intelligence
You have no Life RegenerationNot the sound of thunder on the wind, but the Rhoaback Riders - Death charging from the sands.Unique Body Armour now provides 400-500% increased Armour (previously 200-300%), and 15-30% increased Strength (previously 10-20%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Trimmed GreavesArmour: 87Requires Level 27, 47 Str15% increased Movement Speed
(50–100)% increased Armour
50% increased Attribute Requirements
Deal 30% of Overkill damage to enemies within 2 metres of the enemy killedThe truly mighty are never outnumbered.Unique Boots now provide 15% increased Movement Speed (previously 10%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Riveted MittsArmour: 34Requires Level 11, 19 Str(30-60)% increased Armour
Adds (6-10) to (12-16) Physical Damage to Attacks
5% reduced Attack Speed
(20-30)% increased Stun Buildup
Giant's BloodThe largest beings on Wraeclast
are not flesh and blood.Unique Gloves now adds 6-10 to 12-16 Physical Damage to Attacks (previously 3-5 to 6-8), it also now provides 20-30% increased Stun Buildup and 5% reduced Attack Speed.
- The
Spiked ClubOne Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 15-24
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.45Requires Level 16, 38 StrAdds (13–15) to (22–25) Physical Damage
(20–30)% increased Attack Speed
+(1–3) to Level of all Minion Skills
Increases and Reductions to Minion Attack Speed also affect youEzomyte loyalty was not given to distant leaders.
It was earned by comrades in arms.Unique Mace now adds 13-15 to 22-25 Physical Damage (previously 10-12 to 18-22). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Forge MaulTwo Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 29-39
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.05Requires Level 11, 27 StrAdds (12-25) to (22-25) Physical Damage
(10–15)% increased Attack Speed
Causes (30–50)% increased Stun Buildup
Always deals Critical Hits against Heavy Stunned EnemiesThe art of surgery advances one mistake at a time.Unique Mace now adds 12-25 to 22-25 Physical Damage (previously 7-10 to 12-18). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Ungil's HarmonyUngil's Harmony
Azure AmuletRequires Level 25(20-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate+(30-50) to Maximum Life
+(30-50) to Maximum Mana
(100-200)% increased Critical Hit Chance
+(60-100) to Stun Threshold
Your Critical Hits do not deal extra DamageGentle anger, raging calm.Unique Amulet now provides 100-200% increased Critical Hit Chance (previously 100%). Existing versions of this item can be updated using a Divine Orb.
- The
Visage of AyahVisage of Ayah
Beaded CircletEnergy Shield: 34Requires Level 16, 30 Int(50-80)% increased Energy Shield
(10-15)% increased Rarity of Items found
(20-30)% increased Critical Hit Chance
+(10-20)% to Lightning Resistance
Eldritch BatteryTale-women do not fight as dekharas.
They command a power all thier own.Unique Helmet now provides 10-20% to Lightning Resistance.
- The
Voll's ProtectorVoll's Protector
Ironclad VestmentsArmour: 114
Energy Shield: 43Requires Level 33, 39 Str, 39 Int(100-150)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
25% reduced maximum Mana
+(13-17)% to Chaos Resistance
25% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical HitAlthough a great leader during the war,
Voll proved disastrous in times of peace.Unique Body Armour now provides 13-17% to Chaos Resistance.
- The
Wake of DestructionWake of Destruction
Secured LeggingsArmour: 33
Energy Shield: 14Requires Level 16, 17 Str, 17 Int10% increased Movement Speed
(30-60)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
Adds 1 to (30-50) Lightning damage to Attacks
Drop Shocked Ground while moving, lasting 8 secondsTempest's power given form,
Flee before the walking storm.Unique Boots now provide 10% increased Movement Speed.
- The
Wandering ReliquaryWandering Reliquary
Steel PlateArmour: 177Requires Level 27, 57 Str+(50-100)% increased Armour
+(40-60) to maximum Mana
+(10-20) to Strength
+(60-80) to Stun Threshold
50% of Physical Damage prevented Recouped as LifeKnowing she could outlast any opponent,
Wrashmin fought not to win, but to delay.Unique Body Armour now has +60-80 to Stun Threshold.
- The
Feathered SandalsEnergy Shield: 38Requires Level 33, 57 Int(10–20)% increased Movement Speed
(50–100)% increased Energy Shield
+(10–20) to Intelligence
Curse Skills have (10-20)% increased Cast Speed
Curses have no Activation DelayThe mocking wind, a shielding spell,
The haunting screams, a maddening hellUnique Boots now provide 10-20% increased Movement Speed (previously 10-15%), and also now causes Curse Skills to have 10-20% increased Cast Speed.
- The
Wings of CaelynWings of Caelyn
Rusted GreathelmArmour: 29+20 to Armour
(5-15)% increased Rarity of Items found
+(20-30) to Dexterity
Gain 1 Rage on Melee Hit
Every Rage also grants 1% increased Stun ThresholdThe older brother rtetained calm in the midst of fury.Unique Helmet now provides +20 to Armour.
- The
Silk SlippersEnergy Shield: 34Requires Level 27, 47 Int(10-20)% increased Movement Speed
+(30-50) to maximum Energy Shield
+(10-20) to Strength
+(10-20) to Dexterity
+(10-20) to Intelligence
50% increased Rarity of Items found when on Low LifeWonders abound at death's door.Unique Boots now provides 10-20% increased Movement Speed (previously 5-15%), +10-20 to Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence (all previously +5-15), and also now provides +30-50 to maximum Energy Shield.
- The
Wylund's StakeWylund's Stake
Smithing HammerOne Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 4-7
Elemental Damage: 4-7
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.45Requires 11 StrAdds (4-6) to (8-10) Physical Damage
Adds (4-6) to (8-10) Fire Damage
+(10-20) to Strength
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
Hits Break (30-50) Armour
Apply Fire Exposure when fully breaking enemy ArmourShaped metal never forgets the forge.Unique Mace now has 4-6 to 8-10 added Physical Damage and Fire Damage (both previously 2-3 to 4-5). It now also provides 20-30% to Fire Resistance, and +10-20 to Strength.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed four client crashes.
- Fixed four instance crashes.
- Fixed a bug where Mana Flare, Elemental Discharge, and the version of Ember Fusillade triggered by Dusk Vigil were not considered triggered skills (and therefore could be supported by some supports they don't apply to triggered skills).
- Fixed a bug where some objects, such as Vine Arrow plants, were incorrectly counted as targets when dealing splash damage through the implicit modifier on the Cultist Greathammer base type.
- Fixed a bug where Siege Cascade was targeting Vine Arrow plants and Frostwall Ice Crystals.
- Fixed a bug where Herald of Ice was still exploding shattered enemies when the gem was set to be used with your currently inactive weapon set.
- Fixed a bug where Concoction Skills were considered Bow Skills and as a result could be affected by "increased damage with Bow Skills" modifiers on Quivers.
- Fixed a snapshotting issue with Energy Shield when using the Mask of the Stitched Demon Unique as an Infernalist.
- Fixed a bug where Minion Pact Support was able to drain the Life of Lingering Illusions.
- Fixed a bug where tier 5 Bows could not roll increased Attack Speed, and tier 5 Rings could not roll maximum Life.
- Fixed a bug where you could briefly be unable to perform any skills if you tried to interact with an object and dodge rolled at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where the checkpoint for the Temple of Kopec Boss fight could sometimes take you to the first checkpoint in the area.
- Fixed a bug preventing the quality bonuses on Shockburst Rounds and Hailstorm Rounds from applying.
- Fixed a bug where Shockwave Totem did not work when used with the Support Gem "Astral Projection".
- Fixed a client crash that could occur with Power Siphon while holding a Shield.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur in couch co-op when interacting with the Unique Stash Tab.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur in couch co-op when interacting with the Corruption Altar.
- Fixed a bug where Vine Arrow was not slowing enemies.
- Fixed a bug that caused Sekhema Asala to fail to shield you during Jamanra, the Abomination's storm skill.
- Fixed a bug where terrain generation for the client can get out of sync with the server for Trial of the Sekhemas.
- Fixed a bug where the influence range of Lost Towers could fail to display when interacting with the map device in your Hideout.
- Fixed a bug where Crossbows could fail to reload if the player did not have enough mana available.
- Fixed a bug where Spark could fail to cast while standing on the edge of walkable terrain.
- Fixed a bug where Temporal Chains' debuff icon was not displaying the correct description when hovered over.
- Fixed a bug where the unique item "Fireflower" could fail to cause Fire Damage to the player when an enemy was ignited.
- Fixed a bug where Ghost Dance would remain active when the player no longer met the spirit requirements.
- Fixed a bug where "The Way Forward' Atlas Passive would cause The Arbiter of Ash to drop Tier 16 Waystones instead of Tier 15.
- Fixed a bug where some unique bows did not play audio when firing arrows.
- Fixed a bug where engraving a support gem did not play audio.
- Fixed a bug where quest items would not drop again from their respective objective if the player dropped them on the ground in an area where the difficulty was different to where it was obtained. Characters in a broken state should now be able to re-obtain the quest objective.
- Fixed a bug where some interactables couldn't be cancelled by using dodge roll.
- Fixed a bug where using a flask could cause the player to lose life if item stat requirements weren't met in both weapon sets.
- Fixed a bug where friends would show as offline when they changed character.
- Fixed a bug where the Intro Cinematic did not play on the PC Platform.
- Fixed a bug where incomplete unique items could be obtained.
- Fixed some wonky interactions with the additional inventory slots from the Titan's Colossal Capacity Ascendancy Passive Skill.
- Fixed a bug where The Hooded One would not identify items stored in additional inventory slots granted by the Colossal Capacity Titan Ascendancy Passive Skill.
- Fixed a bug so the inventory no longer opens when dragging the Atlas Map UI with the cursor over a Map node.
- Fixed a visual bug where walking away from a corpse and back to it could visually display a new remnant with Grim Feast.
- Fixed a bug in the Riverside Map where the boss arena forcefield could appear before entering the boss fight.
- Fixed a bug where the Energy Shield UI could visually appear as having Energy Shield when the player had none.
- Fixed a bug where enemies could cast detonate dead on players minions when the player was using the Sacrifice Gem.
- Fixed problems in the Savanna, Abyss, and Seepage Maps where sections of the areas could be unaccessible
- Fixed a bug where the unique item "Corpsewade" did not work when the player was using the King of the Faridun Body Armour Microtransaction.
- Fixed a bug with the Hateforge Unique where negative values of the "to Maximum Rage" Modifier caused the Modifier to not show.
- Fixed a bug where Blink allowed travel to the past in the Ziggurat Encampment without traversing through the Time Portal.
- Fixed a bug within the Instilling UI that displayed a Tainted Oil slot, which doesn't exist.
- Fixed a bug where allocating Chaos Inoculation would incorrectly count you as being on Low Mana.
- Fixed a bug where Crossbow Skills could fail to reload when spamming the ability when using a controller.
- Fixed a bug when stashing a Skill Gem with attached Support Gems would cause the Support Gems to become invisible. These now unpack into the relevant tab.
- Fixed the alignment of Mirror of Kalandra within the Currency Stash Tab.
- Fixed a bug in the Vaal Factory map where some humanoid monsters would remain inactive.
- Fixed a bug where the "Elemental Storm" Gem had the Physical Tag.
- Fixed a bug where Gas Clouds could spawn in unwalkable terrain.
- Fixed a bug where minion objects could stretch into unwalkable terrain.
- Fixed a bug where the Burial Bog Map could generate with a broken loop.
- Fixed a bug where the World Map always opened displaying an above ground area, even when the player was in an underground area.
- Fixed a bug where strongboxes could fail to generate any monsters.
- Fixed a bug with dodge roll which allowed the player to roll through Bone Walls and Frost Walls.
- Fixed a bug with dodge roll which allowed the player to roll off of The Ardura Caravan Ramp.
- Fixed a bug where Soul Cores of Atmohua, Zantipi, or Cholotl could not be used for the 3:1 recipe.
- Fixed a bug with the Relic Modifier giving a chance to gain another key was incorrectly always applying.
- Skip tutorials no longer prevents you from leaving town without engraving a gem.
- Removed the redundant block chance description on Saffell's Frame Unique Item.
- Fixed a bug which could cause the landmark room chest in The Mausoleum of the Praetor from being opened.
- Fixed a bug where "Elemental Storm" was missing the triggered tag.
- Fixed a bug which allowed Glacial Cascade's hits to freeze enemies.
- Fixed a bug in the Trial of the Sekhemas where some traps' audio failed to play.
- Fixed a bug where "Unbound Avatar" could gain stacks from inanimate objects.
- Fixed a bug in the Temple of Chaos where leap slamming into an arena could cause the encounter to not complete.
- Fixed a bug where Damage Gained as Fire, Cold and Lightning were missing tags, causing Essences to be unable to roll these modfiiers.
- Fixed a bug where the Act 1 to Act 2 transition cinematic sometimes played when entering The Ardura Caravan rather than when travelling from Act 1.
- Fixed a bug where some loot in The Temple of Chaos could get stuck in blocking.
- Fixed a bug where a favored map slot UI notification would appear when corrupting a Tier 15 Waystone into a Tier 16.
- Fixed a bug which could prevent the player from returning to the Vastiri Outskirts if they travelled there by warping to a party member, then warping to a different party member in Act 1.
- Fixed a bug where Supercritical support's 2D art was not displaying in some cases.
- Fixed a bug where expedition chests in maps were not displaying their rarity.
Controller Improvements
- While using currency, inventory navigation using RS will ignore items the currently selected currency could not be used on.
- Added a bindable action to show/hide item and object labels.
- While on the world map screen, you can now press B/circle to leave the underground.
- Some interactables in the Trial of the Sekhemas and the Trial of Chaos are now prioritised over using skills on enemies if you have Interact bound to the same button as a skill.
- The cosmetics tab of the navigation menu has been moved to the end, so that you no longer have to navigate through it to reach the quest or atlas tabs.
- Improved auto-targeting logic for very large bosses such as Tor Gul
- The game now pauses by default if a controller becomes disconnected, with an option in the Game tab to instead disconnect.
- Auto-targeting no longer aggressively prioritises larger enemies and objects (such as Tempest Bell).
- Pressing X/square while holding a stack of items now deposits a single item from the stack in the currently selected space.
- Hovering a support gem over a filled socket will now show the support gem currently in that socket.
- Trying to socket invalid gems using a controller now gives appropriate error messages.
- Switching to controller input on a character that was created with keyboard and mouse input no longer results in the character having no actions bound.
- Fixed a bug that prevented rerolling expedition vendors while using a controller. There is now also a dedicated button (Y/triangle) to reroll the vendor.
- Fixed a bug where the Gemling's Gem Studded notable passive was not accounted for when socketing support gems using a controller.
- Fixed a bug where the Lost Tower interface had inconsistent controls when using a controller.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented navigation in the hideout stash while using a controller.
- Fixed a bug that prevented player 2 from using the Salvage Bench in couch co-op.
- Fixed a bug that prevented player 2 from equipping cosmetics in couch co-op.
- Fixed a bug that caused some types of specialised stash tab to fail to display when accessed by both players at the same time in couch co-op.
- Fixed a bug preventing the toggling of advanced descriptions while investigating an item.
- Fixed a bug preventing moving a socketed support gem into a different socket when you are close to your support gem limit.
- Fixed a bug where the "Enable Held Targeting" option did not function for crossbow ammunition skills.
- Fixed a bug where certain skills would not be performed if used while holding down a different skill's input.
Console Improvements
- Item filters can now be used on consoles by subscribing to a filter on the Path of Exile website.
- A link to set up an item filter is now provided in the filter section of the settings menu, under the Game tab.
- Fixed a bug where cutscenes and informational videos had incorrect colour grading on XBox series consoles with HDR enabled.
Localisation Fixes
- Fixed a number of cases of outdated translations
- Fixed characters with accents not displaying correctly in some languages.
- Fixed a number of cases where translated text could overlap itself or the borders of its field.
- Fixed a bug where Thai text did not display correctly on consoles.
- Fixed a bug where modifier tiers would not be displayed correctly when the game language was set to Traditional Chinese.
- Fixed a number of cases of keywords not displaying correctly in languages other than English.
- Enabled the following existing cosmetic microtransactions for use in Path of Exile 2: Siren Wings, Siren Cloak, Siren Weapon, Siren Weapon Effect, Siren Character Effect, Siren Footprints Effect, Siren Portal Effect, Deepwater Wings, Deepwater Back Attachment, Deepwater Weapon, Deepwater Weapon Effect, Deepwater Character Effect, Deepwater Footprints Effect, Deepwater Portal Effect, Atlantis Cloak, Atlantis Wings, Atlantis Portal Effect, Atlantis Footprints Effect, Onyx Oblivion Wings, Onyx Oblivion Weapon, Oblivion Weapon, Direblade Wings, Direblade Weapon, Verdant Weapon, Sulphurous Gargoyle Wings, Alabaster Gargoyle Wings, Stygian Gargoyle Wings, Pitch-black Gargoyle Wings, Illusionist Character Effect, Brimstone Character Effect, Harmony Wings, Harmony Cloak, Harmony Weapon Effect, Harmony Footprints Effect, Harmony Portal Effect, Heritage Wings, Heritage Cloak, Heritage Weapon Effect, Heritage Weapon, Heritage Portal Effect, Divergence Wings, Divergence Cloak, Divergence Weapon, Divergence Weapon Effect, Divergence Footprints Effect, Divergence Character Effect, Divergence Portal Effect, Vulcan Cloak, Vulcan Shield, Vulcan Weapon Effect, Harmonious Weapon, Harmonious Weapon Effect, Electroswarm Character Effect, Project Electroswarm Character Effect, Siren Electroswarm Character Effect, Void Emperor Electroswarm Character Effect, Kalguuran Cloak, Penance Back Attachment, Crucible Armour Set, Cane Toad King Portal Effect, Albino Toad King Portal Effect, River Toad King Portal Effect, Sacred Wisps Portal Effect.
- The Hands of Xesht Back Attachment now has a smaller variant that can be selected from the cosmetics menu.
The following hotfixes were deployed after the 0.1.1 patch.
Hotfix 1
These are the patch notes for hotfix 1.[2]
- Fixed a bug where Shockwave Totem would sometimes fail to attack if surrounded by enemies or if there were no nearby enemies at all.
- Fixed a bug where Scavenged Plating could grant stacks above its Maximum of 10.
- Fixed a bug where characters with specific Act 3 quest states were receiving "You do not have the required quest state" errors.
- Fixed a bug where the Sulphuric Caverns Map was not spawning both bosses.
- Fixed an instance crash.
Hotfix 2
These are the patch notes for hotfix 2.[3]
- Temporarily disabled some elemental explosions from Rare Monster minions due to them being invisible when destroying the corpse on kill, most commonly through methods like shatter.
Hotfix 3
These are the patch notes for hotfix 3.[4]
- Fixed Jamanra, the Risen King's zombie skirt once more, as it was still spontaneously exploding on death.
- Fixed another bug where characters with specific quest states were incorrectly receiving "You do not have the required quest state" errors.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes prevent you from leaving the boss arena in the Burial Bog Map.
- Fixed several instance crashes.
Hotfix 4
These are the patch notes for hotfix 4.[5]
- Fixed a bug where trading was not calculating the amount of free space correctly when using the Titan Inventory Expansion.
- ↑ Kieren_GGG (January 16, 2025). "0.1.1 Patch Notes". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved January 17, 2025.
- ↑ Kieren_GGG (January 17, 2025). "0.1.1 Hotfix 1". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved January 17, 2025.
- ↑ Jeff_GGG (January 17, 2025). "0.1.1 Hotfix 2". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved January 17, 2025.
- ↑ Kieren_GGG (January 20, 2025). "0.1.1 Hotfix 3". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved January 20, 2025.
- ↑ Kieren_GGG (January 21, 2025). "0.1.1 Hotfix 4". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved January 21, 2025.