Inscribed Ultimatum

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Inscribed UltimatumArea Level: #
Number of Trials: #
Mortals spend thier lives wondering which fate shall be thiers. Chaos takes amusement in knowking the answer: all of them.Take this item to The Trail of Chaos to participate in a Trial of Chaos.
Drop level: 39
Item class: Inscribed Ultimatum
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/UltimatumKey

Inscribed Ultimatum are items that can be used to access a Trial of Chaos. Higher levels of Inscribed Ultimatum increase the number of trial rooms up to a maximum of 10.


Inscribed Ultimatums can have affixes. Prefixes provide reward modifiers, such as sacrificing currency to recieve double on trial completion, while suffixes provide dangerous modifiers.

Item acquisition

Inscribed Ultimatum can drop anywhere.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.