Sandswept Marsh

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Sandswept Marsh
Area level33
ConnectionsThe Ardura Caravan
Ziggurat Encampment
When the city flooded, the peasants fled quickly... but not quickly enough.

Sandswept Marsh is the first area in Act 3. This area has a waypoint and is connected to Ziggurat Encampment.


Sandswept Marsh contains large patches of marshland.

Points of interest

  • [Boss arena] Foul Ritual: Rootdredge drops a Level 9 Uncut Skill GemUncut Skill GemCreates a Skill Gem or Level an existing gem to Level #Right Click to engrave a Skill Gem..
  • [Miniboss arena][Notable chest] Orok Campfire (name used in popup message and world map (U)), or known as Azak Campfire in mini-map: A small Orok (Azak?) settlement, containing a chest that drops a Lesser Jeweller's OrbLesser Jeweller's OrbStack Size: 20Adds a socket to a skill gem with 2 socketsRight click this item then left click a skill gem to apply it..
  • [Notable chest] Hanging Tree: A nearby corpse contains a magic ring.

Environmental lore




Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

No items include this area in their drop restrictions.

Cruel difficulty

  • Azak Campfire: Contains a chest that drops a Lesser Jeweller's OrbLesser Jeweller's OrbStack Size: 20Adds a socket to a skill gem with 2 socketsRight click this item then left click a skill gem to apply it..
  • Hanging Tree: A nearby corpse contains a magic ring.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.