Valley of the Titans

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Valley of the Titans
Area level21
ConnectionsThe Titan Grotto
Forbidden lands hold wonders and terrors beyond explanation.

Valley of the Titans is an area in Act 2. This area has a waypoint and is connected to The Ardura Caravan and The Titan Grotto. The entrance to the Titan Grotto and the Ancient Seals reset in each new instance.


Valley of the Titans has a ring-shaped layout with the Medallion in the centre. The three Ancient Seals are scattered around the ring.

Points of interest

The Clasped Entry.
The Third Pact Medallion. One of two buffs can be chosen freely.
  • [Notable landmark] Ancient Seals: Find and activate the three Ancient Seals on the Titans in the area: Rajendra, Sundari, and Shakti. Doing so will light up their eyes, opening up the Clasped Entry.
  • [Notable landmark] The Clasped Entry: A sealed entrance to The Titan Grotto.
  • [Notable landmark] Medallion (also known as Offering to Amrit in the in-game pop up message): Bring the Kabala Clan RelicKabala Clan RelicBy the terms of the Third Pact, the Constrictor Queen
    was banished from Keth, but given the eastern sands.
    and Sun Clan RelicSun Clan RelicBy the terms of the Third Pact, the Sun Clan
    agreed to never again attack the Maraketh.
    to the Medallion. Doing so will allow the player to choose a permanent stat increase of 30% increased Charm Charges gained or 15% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks. This can be changed at any time by returning to the Medallion. Note that the waypoint of the area is not placed near to the entrance, and instead placed near to the Medallion.



Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

No items include this area in their drop restrictions.

Cruel difficulty

The Medallion in Cruel difficulty instead grants 30% increased Charm Charges gained or 15% increased Life Recovery from Flasks. This can be changed at any time by returning to the Medallion.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.