Jiquani's Machinarium

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Jiquani's Machinarium

Jiquani's Machinarium is an area in Act 3. This area has a waypoint and is connected to Chimeral Wetlands and Jiquani's Sanctum.


Jiquani's Machinarium is a maze-like indoor area. Access to the main area requires a Small Soul CoreSmall Soul CoreAncient facets remain warm to the touch. from the area, and the door leading to Jiquani's Sanctum also requires a Small Soul Core. Small Soul Cores can be found randomly throughout the area, but are lost on exiting the area or death. When a door is opened, two Stone Sentinels will activate and attack.

Points of interest

  • [Boss arena] The Oubliette: A small arena containing four stone pillars. Requires a Small Soul CoreSmall Soul CoreAncient facets remain warm to the touch. to access.
  • [Notable chest] Supply Room: Stacks of Gold and 3 rare chests. Requires a Small Soul CoreSmall Soul CoreAncient facets remain warm to the touch. to access.



Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

No items include this area in their drop restrictions.

Cruel difficulty

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.