Mawdun Mine

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Mawdun Mine
Area level18
ConnectionsMawdun Quarry
To keep their plans secret, defectors were sealed away to die.

Mawdun Mine is an area in Act 2. This area has a waypoint and is connected to Mawdun Quarry.


Mawdun Mine is a winding cavern with several dead ends.

Points of interest

  • [Boss arena] Munitions Bunker: Drops a Level 6 Uncut Skill GemUncut Skill GemCreates a Skill Gem or Level an existing gem to Level #Right Click to engrave a Skill Gem..



Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

No items include this area in their drop restrictions.

Cruel difficulty

In cruel difficulty the area boss does not have any guaranteed drop. This is also reflected in the world map (U), which lack of an icon for the boss, unlike the normal difficulty.

The boss is still required to kill in order to progress the storyline.


OST: Mawdun (Early Access)

Version history

Version Changes
  • Updated the world Map (U) icons for when you have completed quests, encounters and found items to make it more clear they have been completed.
  • Introduced to the game.