Hunting Grounds

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Hunting Grounds is an area in Act 1. This area has a waypoint and is connected to Cemetery of the Eternals, Freythorn, and Ogham Farmlands.


Hunting Grounds is an open area containing trees, overgrown brambles, and rubble.

Points of interest

The Dryadic Ritual.
  • [Boss arena] The Hunt Stone: A pathway containing wooden structures, a giant bell, and a monument of stone at the end. The Crowbell will follow this path towards its arena, picking up the bell on the way.
  • [Notable landmark] Dryadic Ritual: Three Skeleton Spriggans summon a rare Cultivated Grove. Drops a Level 1 Uncut Support GemUncut Support GemCreates a Support GemRight Click to engrave a Support Gem..
  • [Notable landmark] Ritual Altar: A single Ritual can be found near the centre of the Hunting Grounds. Completing it will unlock the quest Ominous Altars. Drops a Level 4 Uncut Skill GemUncut Skill GemCreates a Skill Gem or Level an existing gem to Level #Right Click to engrave a Skill Gem..



Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

No items include this area in their drop restrictions.

Cruel difficulty

  • The Hunt Stone: The Crowbell drops another Book of SpecialisationBook of SpecialisationGrants two Weapon Set Passive Skill PointsA Book of Specialisation. Right-click to gain two Weapon Set Passive Skill Points..
  • Dryadic Ritual: The rare Cultivated Grove drops a rare weapon.
  • Ritual Altar: Drops a Level 12 Uncut Skill GemUncut Skill GemCreates a Skill Gem or Level an existing gem to Level #Right Click to engrave a Skill Gem. on completing the Ritual.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.