Mastodon Badlands

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Mastodon Badlands
Area level21
ConnectionsThe Ardura Caravan
The Bone Pits
Certain places of power predate people. Certain places of death do not.

Mastodon Badlands is an area in Act 2. This area has a waypoint and is connected to The Ardura Caravan and The Bone Pits.


Mastodon Badlands is a largely open area covered in the skeletons of giant mastodons.

Points of interest

  • [Notable chest] Fossilised Memorial (the name used in mini-map) or known as Shirine of Bones in the world map (U): A Bone Effigy here drops a Level 1 Uncut Support GemUncut Support GemCreates a Support GemRight Click to engrave a Support Gem..



Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

No items include this area in their drop restrictions.

Cruel difficulty

Fossilised Memorial:Bone Effigy drops a Level 13 Uncut Skill GemUncut Skill GemCreates a Skill Gem or Level an existing gem to Level #Right Click to engrave a Skill Gem..


Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.