Tomb of the Consort

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Tomb of the Consort

Tomb of the Consort is an area in Act 1. This area has a waypoint and is connected to Cemetery of the Eternals.


Tomb of the Consort is a composed of several intersecting passageways and a few rooms containing coffins.

Points of interest

Haunted Treasure.
  • [Boss arena] Heart of the Tomb: A rectangular arena with a hole in the middle from which Asinia appears.
  • [Notable chest] Haunted Treasure: A chest guarded by a ghost. Approaching it will spawn a pack of Risen Rattlers and a rare Eternal Knight which drops a Level 1 Uncut Support GemUncut Support GemCreates a Support GemRight Click to engrave a Support Gem..



Item drops

The following drop-restricted items can drop in this area.

No items include this area in their drop restrictions.

Cruel difficulty

  • Haunted Treasure: The rare Eternal Knight drops a Level 2 Uncut Support GemUncut Support GemCreates a Support GemRight Click to engrave a Support Gem..


OST: Tomb of the Consort (Early Access)

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.