The Burning Monolith

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The Burning Monolith, also known as The Monolith, is the pinnacle endgame encounter. It is a giant fortress that emerged from underground surrounded by a giant maze.

Pinnacle Keys

Three keys must be obtained to enter. Each key can be obtained from defeating each faction's two lieutenants and the faction leader. The three keys are Ancient Crisis Fragment, Faded Crisis Fragment and Weathered Crisis Fragment. Failing against any of these bosses will cause that citadel to be considered failed and no longer accessible.

Faction Leader Faction Lieutenants Faction Map
Count Geonor ???
The Iron Citadel
Jamanra, the Abomination ???
The Copper Citadel
Doryani, Royal Thaumaturge Viper Napuatzi
The Stone Citadel